Metagenome data analysis Workshop, May 21-23, 2014

SciLifelab and AllBio are arranging a workshop on the analysis and interpretation of metagenomics data.
In this workshop we will combine talks by experts in the field with practical tutorials guiding the participants in the analysis of representative datasets.
Lex Nederbragt, Oslo University, Norway, Saskia Smits, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands, Joakim Larsson, Göteborg University, Sweden
Paul Wilmes, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Anders Andersson, SciLifeLab, Sweden
Noan Le Bescot, UPMC (Tara expedition), France
Tutorial supervisors:
Ino de Bruijn, SciLifeLab, Sweden
Johannes Alneberg, SciLifeLab, Sweden
Luisa Hugerth, SciLifeLab, Sweden
Johan Bengtsson, Göteborg University, Sweden
Mikael Huss, SciLifeLab, Sweden
Science for Life Laboratory, Tomtebodavägen 23A, 17165 Solna, Sweden
Conference room Air/Fire, Gamma building
Mikael Huss (
Thomas Svensson (

Keywords: Allbio, Assembly, Binning, Bioinformatics, Data analysis, Metagenomics

Authors: Thomas Svensson

Remote created date: 2014-09-29

Remote updated date: 2017-10-09

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