Problem Based Learning Guide
Problem Based Learning (PBL) is an innovative approach to learning that we used to deliver the Clinical Bioinformatics I module of the new MSc in Clinical Bioinformatics. Clinical Bioinformatics is one of the streams of the NHS Scientific Training Programme (STP). The programme is a mixture of work placement based training interspersed with academic teaching which is delivered by Nowgen/NGRL and the University of Manchester in the UK.
This booklet is a guide for lecturers to design and deliver material using the PBL approach. It has been a successful tool for the delivery of our course and it may provide useful for others involved in course design and delivery
Keywords: Problem based learning, Teaching aid, Train trainer
Target audience: Lecturers, Trainers
Remote created date: 2014-01-12
Remote updated date: 2017-10-09
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