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Scientific topic
- Antimicrobial stewardship1
- Assembly1
- De novo genome sequencing1
- Epidemiology1
- Exomes1
- Genome annotation1
- Genome sequencing1
- Genomes1
- Genomics1
- Medical microbiology1
- Microbial genetics1
- Microbial physiology1
- Microbial surveillance1
- Microbiological surveillance1
- Microbiology1
- Molecular infection biology1
- Molecular microbiology1
- Personal genomics1
- Public health1
- Public health and epidemiology1
- Sequence assembly1
- Synthetic genomics1
- Viral genomics1
- WGS1
- Whole genome resequencing1
- Whole genome sequencing1
- Whole genomes1
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Content provider
- Galaxy Training1
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Difficulty level
- Beginner1
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- Students1
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- Bazante Sanders
- Helena Rasche30
- Nate Coraor15
- Simon Gladman10
- Björn Grüning9
- Saskia Hiltemann6
- Anne Fouilloux5
- Bérénice Batut5
- Mira Kuntz5
- Nicola Soranzo5
- Marius van den Beek4
- Martin Čech4
- Anton Nekrutenko3
- Cristóbal Gallardo3
- Lucille Delisle3
- Anne Pajon2
- Clemens Blank2
- Daniel Blankenberg2
- Fotis E. Psomopoulos2
- Gianmauro Cuccuru2
- Laila Los2
- Pavankumar Videm2
- Abdulrahman Azab1
- Adelaide Rhodes1
- Alex Ostrovsky1
- Beatriz Serrano-Solano1
- Christopher Barnett1
- Dave Clements1
- Diana Chiang Jurado1
- Dilmurat Yusuf1
- Elisa Michon1
- Enis Afgan1
- Hans-Rudolf Hotz1
- Hui Tang1
- Jon Trow1
- Kaivan Kamali1
- Matthias Bernt1
- Mehmet Tekman1
- Michele Maroni1
- Nadia Goué1
- Nuwan Goonasekera1
- Olha Nahorna1
- Sarah Peter1
- The Carpentries1
- Toby Hodges1
- Torfinn Nome1
- Valentin Marcon1
- Yvan Le Bras1
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Nate Coraor
- Helena Rasche18
- Bazante Sanders14
- Donny Vrins14
- Saskia Hiltemann12
- Beatriz Serrano-Solano11
- Wendi Bacon11
- Anthony Bretaudeau7
- Björn Grüning4
- Bérénice Batut3
- Miaomiao Zhou3
- Cristóbal Gallardo2
- Deepti Varshney2
- pimarin2
- Marius van den Beek1
- Matúš Kalaš1
- Peter van Heusden1
- Teresa Müller1
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Resource type
- e-learning1
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- Associated Training Datasets1
- Associated Workflows1
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