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Scientific topic
- Applied ontology1
- Biomedical informatics1
- Clinical informatics1
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- FAIR data1
- Findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable data1
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- Health informatics1
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- Research data management (RDM)1
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- Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics1
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- Beginner1
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- Kristin Gnodke
- Julie Sullivan3
- Rachel Lyne3
- Yo Yehudi3
- Christine Staiger2
- Daniela Butano2
- Geert van Geest and Wandrille Duchemin2
- Gos Micklem2
- Justin Clark-Casey2
- Kevin Herald Reierskog2
- Mijke Jetten2
- Personalized Health Informatics Group2
- SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics2
- Sergio Contrino2
- Yvan Le Bras2
- Ana M. P. Melo1
- Andra Waagmeester1
- Annika Jacobsen1
- Bert Meerman1
- Carlos Martinez Ortiz1
- Celia W.G. van Gelder1
- Celia van Gelder1
- Claire Toffano-Nioche1
- Céline Hernandez1
- Daniel Faria1
- Dietmar Hertsen1
- Erik Schultes1
- Filipa Pereira1
- Gildas Le Corguillé1
- Glinez Thibaud1
- Jan Slifka1
- Jana Freeman1
- Jasmin Karoline Böhmer1
- Julien Seiler1
- Kristina Hettne1
- Marek Suchanek1
- Marek Suchánek1
- Mark Thompson1
- Marta Lloret Llinares1
- Mascha Jansen1
- Mateusz Kuzak1
- Nikola Vasiljevic1
- Pedro Príncipe1
- Rob Hooft1
- Sonal Henson1
- Tanguy Genthon1
- Tereza Machacova1
- Tereza Machačová1
- Thomas Denecker1
- Vasundra Touré1
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- Sabine Österle1
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Resource type
- E-learning1
- Training materials1
- Video1
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