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Content provider
- Galaxy Training1
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- Genome Annotation
- Galaxy Server administration10
- Development in Galaxy9
- Proteomics8
- DDA5
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material3
- git-gat3
- HeLa2
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses2
- ansible2
- jobs2
- work-in-progress2
- Computational chemistry1
- EeLP1
- Galaxy1
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training1
- Variant Analysis1
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- monitoring1
- mouse1
- prokaryote1
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Difficulty level
- Beginner1
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Target audience
- Students1
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- Björn Grüning
- Anthony Bretaudeau11
- Bérénice Batut3
- Helena Rasche3
- Esteban Perez-Wohlfeil2
- Maria Doyle2
- Mateo Boudet2
- Nathan Dunn2
- Stéphanie Robin2
- Alexandre Cormier1
- Anika Erxleben1
- Anna Syme1
- Anton Nekrutenko1
- Bazante Sanders1
- Delphine Lariviere1
- Erwan Corre1
- Jonathan Kreplak1
- Kenji Fujihara1
- Laura Leroi1
- Paul Zierep1
- Romane LIBOUBAN1
- Simon Gladman1
- Sylvia Mahara1
- Torsten Seemann1
- Twishi Gulati1
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Resource type
- e-learning1
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- Associated Training Datasets1
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