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Scientific topic
- Metadata management
- Applied ontology1
- Biomedical informatics1
- Clinical informatics1
- Cloud computing1
- Computer science1
- Data management1
- FAIR data1
- Findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable data1
- HPC1
- Health and disease1
- Health informatics1
- Healthcare informatics1
- High performance computing1
- High-performance computing1
- Medical informatics1
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- Research data management (RDM)1
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Content provider
- Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics1
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Difficulty level
- Beginner1
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- Kristin Gnodke
- Mijke Jetten10
- Celia van Gelder9
- Korbinian Bösl7
- Personalized Health Informatics Group7
- Alexander Botzki4
- Helena Rasche4
- Nadia Tonello4
- Daniel Faria3
- Emma Griffiths3
- Frédéric de Lamotte3
- Solveig Fossum-Raunehaug3
- Vasundra Touré3
- Anne-Françoise Adam-Blondon2
- Christine Staiger2
- Cyril Pommier2
- Esther Plomp2
- Flora D'Anna2
- Griet Den Herder2
- Hanne Elsen2
- Jan Lammertyn2
- Jan Slifka2
- Jenny Ostrop2
- Kjersti Enerstvedt2
- Marta Lloret Llinares2
- Mirela Minkova2
- Nate Coraor2
- Nikola Vasiljevic2
- Paula Oset2
- Petar Horki2
- Philip Krauss2
- Santosh Ilamparuthi2
- Tore Linde2
- Tuur Muyldermans2
- Egon Willighagen1
- Agata Bochynska1
- Ana M. P. Melo1
- Ane Møller Gabrielsen1
- Anne Heidi Skogholt1
- Beate Krøvel Humberset1
- Brett Olivier1
- Cees Hof1
- Celia W.G. van Gelder1
- Célia Michotey1
- Dawa Ometto1
- Dietmar Hertsen1
- Elin Stangeland1
- Elizabeth Arnaud1
- Elize Vlainic1
- Erik Flikkenschild1
- Erik Hjerde1
- Evangelia Papoutsoglou1
- Ewan Birney1
- Federico Bianchini1
- Filipa Pereira1
- Hadi Quesneville1
- Hanne Vlietinck1
- Heather Andrews1
- Heine Skipenes1
- Henriette Harmse1
- Hilde Eikemo1
- Hélène Chiapello1
- Ingrid Heggland1
- Jana Freeman1
- Janecke Helene Veim1
- Jeroen Beliën1
- Jonas Delva1
- João Cardoso1
- Julien Seiler1
- Kees van Bochove1
- Keeva Cochrane1
- Kjersti Rise1
- Koen ten Hove1
- Lars Figenschou1
- Lars Soligard1
- Laura Standaert1
- Lionel Maurel1
- Lucille Delisle1
- Marek Suchanek1
- Marek Suchánek1
- Margreet Bloemers1
- Maria Levchenko1
- Marko Vidak1
- Marta Eide1
- Marta Teperek1
- Martin Zablocki1
- Mateusz Kuzak1
- Michael Alaux1
- Nancy George1
- Nele Pauwels1
- Nicolas Carpi1
- Nicolas Francillonne1
- Paula Jansen1
- Paulette Lieby1
- Pedro Príncipe1
- Pinar Alper1
- Rajaram Kaliyaperumal1
- Raphaël Flores1
- Rita Azevedo1
- Rob Hooft1
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- Sabine Österle1
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Resource type
- E-learning1
- Training materials1
- Video1
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