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- IFB French Institute of Bioinformatics1
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Difficulty level
- Beginner1
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- Biologists1
- Biomedical researchers1
- bioinformaticians1
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- Paulette Lieby
- Christine Staiger2
- Frédéric de Lamotte2
- Jasmin Karoline Böhmer2
- Anne-Françoise Adam-Blondon1
- Cees Hof1
- Cyril Pommier1
- Célia Michotey1
- Daniel Faria1
- Elizabeth Arnaud1
- Erik Hjerde1
- Evangelia Papoutsoglou1
- Ewan Birney1
- Hélène Chiapello1
- Lionel Maurel1
- Our core educator team can be found on our course page.1
- Thomas Denecker1
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Resource type
- Slides1
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