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Scientific topic
- Applied ontology1
- Biomedical informatics1
- Clinical informatics1
- Cloud computing1
- Computer science1
- Data management1
- FAIR data1
- Findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable data1
- HPC1
- Health and disease1
- Health informatics1
- Healthcare informatics1
- High performance computing1
- High-performance computing1
- Medical informatics1
- Metadata management1
- Ontologies1
- Ontology1
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- Research data management (RDM)1
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- Data retrieval
- Data handling2
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- Utility operation2
- Data extraction1
- Data retrieval (metadata)1
- Database retrieval1
- Database search1
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Content provider
- Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics1
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Difficulty level
- Beginner1
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- Philip Krauss
- Korbinian Bösl7
- Personalized Health Informatics Group4
- Solveig Fossum-Raunehaug3
- Jenny Ostrop2
- Kjersti Enerstvedt2
- Petar Horki2
- Tore Linde2
- Vasundra Touré2
- Agata Bochynska1
- Ane Møller Gabrielsen1
- Anne Heidi Skogholt1
- Beate Krøvel Humberset1
- Elin Stangeland1
- Erik Hjerde1
- Federico Bianchini1
- Heine Skipenes1
- Hilde Eikemo1
- Ingrid Heggland1
- Janecke Helene Veim1
- Kjersti Rise1
- Lars Figenschou1
- Lars Soligard1
- Marta Eide1
- Siri Kallhovd1
- The Gulbenkian Training Programme in Bioinformatics1
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- Sabine Österle1
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Resource type
- E-learning1
- Training materials1
- Video1
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