Training materials
Difficulty level: Not specified
and Content provider: European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)
450 materials found
Recorded webinar
Introduction to PerMedCoE: Exascale-ready cell-level simulations for European Personalised Medicine
Recorded webinar
Open access: Finding and accessing open data
Recorded webinar
Open access: Data sharing and submission
Recorded webinar
Analysis of huge metabolic models with COBREXA.jl
Recorded webinar
Open access: Why build open source software and how to do it successfully
Recorded webinar
Open access: Let's talk about open access, open data and open software
Recorded webinar
Open access: publications and preprints
Recorded webinar
Introduction to qualitative modelling with MaBoSS
Recorded webinar
A guide to proteomics data analysis using UniProt and InterPro
Recorded webinar
Preprints 101 for authors