Training materials
Recorded webinar
Data protection and security aspects of running simulations on personal data with HPC
Recorded webinar
The PerMedCoE competency framework to guide training and career development
Recorded webinar
Selecting and evaluating preprints for Journal Club
Recorded webinar
PDBe-KB Aggregated Views: providing biological insights into 3D structures
Recorded webinar
Exploring parasite biology through their protein annotation in UniProtKB
Recorded webinar
An introduction to the COVID-19 Data Portal
Recorded webinar
HPC boosts mathematical models’ promises of personalised medicine
Recorded webinar
PRIDE database: Proteomics data submission, access and visualisation
Recorded webinar
SciELO Preprints in Europe PMC
Recorded webinar
Bringing it all together: human cohort standards, tools and applications