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Content provider
- Galaxy Training43
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- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material21
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training17
- Galaxy Community Building5
- cyoa2
- Community1
- FAIR Learning Objects1
- FAIR-by-Design Learning Materials1
- FAIR-by-Design Methodology1
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- earth-system1
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Difficulty level
- Beginner42
- Advanced1
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Target audience
- Instructors
- Students365
- Galaxy Administrators74
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- Bérénice Batut26
- Helena Rasche16
- Fotis E. Psomopoulos11
- Saskia Hiltemann11
- Allegra Via6
- ELIXIR Goblet Train the Trainers6
- Patricia Palagi6
- Björn Grüning4
- Wendi Bacon3
- Achim Winandi1
- Anastas Mishev1
- Carolin Leister1
- Christine Hadrossek1
- Cristóbal Gallardo1
- Cyril Monjeaud1
- Dominique Green1
- Irakleitos Souyioultzoglou1
- Lucille Delisle1
- Marie Josse1
- Paul Zierep1
- Sonja Filiposka1
- The Carpentries1
- Vojdan Kjorveziroski1
- Аrnaud Gingold1
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- Saskia Hiltemann
- Helena Rasche36
- Björn Grüning29
- Bérénice Batut26
- Nicola Soranzo16
- Niall Beard11
- Cristóbal Gallardo9
- Wendi Bacon8
- Anthony Bretaudeau7
- Martin Čech7
- Simon Gladman5
- William Durand4
- Gildas Le Corguillé3
- Mehmet Tekman3
- Simon Bray3
- Delphine Lariviere2
- Julia Jakiela2
- Lucille Delisle2
- Marie Josse2
- Marius van den Beek2
- Wolfgang Maier2
- Anastas Mishev1
- Andrea Bagnacani1
- Bazante Sanders1
- Bert Droesbeke1
- Donny Vrins1
- Johan Gustafsson1
- Linelle Abueg1
- Marisa Loach1
- Melissa Burke1
- Nate Coraor1
- Pablo Moreno1
- Paul Zierep1
- Pavankumar Videm1
- Peter van Heusden1
- Rahmot Afolabi1
- Teresa Müller1
- Yvan Le Bras1
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Resource type
- e-learning39
- slides4
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