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- RNA-Seq analysis1
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Difficulty level
- Beginner
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- Helena Rasche43
- Saskia Hiltemann13
- Wendi Bacon8
- Pavankumar Videm7
- Pratik Jagtap5
- Sabine Österle5
- Timothy J. Griffin5
- Bazante Sanders4
- Eija Korpelainen4
- Lucille Delisle4
- Mehmet Tekman4
- Björn Grüning3
- Bérénice Batut3
- Clea Siguret3
- Daniel Sobral3
- David Philip Judge3
- Fotis E. Psomopoulos3
- Gautier Sarah3
- Jean-François Dufayard3
- Julia Jakiela3
- Marisa Loach3
- Miaomiao Zhou3
- Nate Coraor3
- Pedro Fernandes3
- Pinar Alper3
- Roland Krause3
- Wolfgang Maier3
- Yvan Le Bras3
- Ahmed Hamid Awan2
- Anthony Bretaudeau2
- Edwin den Haas2
- Hans-Rudolf Hotz2
- Hélène Chiapello2
- Julien Seiler2
- Katarzyna Kamieniecka2
- Krzysztof Poterlowicz2
- Marie Josse2
- Martin Čech2
- Matthias Bernt2
- Nene Barry2
- Our list of contributors can be found on our course page.2
- Paulette Lieby2
- Stian Soiland-Reyes2
- Thomas Denecker2
- Toby Hodges2
- Vilem Ded2
- Federico Bianchini1
- Anatole Chessel1
- Ankerl Yassine1
- Anne-Françoise Adam-Blondon1
- Ava Hoffman1
- Bethan Manley1
- Bilal Shaikh1
- Blaise Li1
- Bruna Piereck Moura1
- Candace Savonen1
- Catherine Bromhead1
- Chris Evelo1
- Christophe Antoniewski1
- Clair Castle1
- Clare Sloggett1
- Cristóbal Gallardo1
- Cyril Pommier1
- Célia Michotey1
- Dave B.1
- Donny Vrins1
- Eivind Coward1
- Ekaterina Polkh1
- Eli Chadwick1
- Elizabeth Humphries1
- Emily Angiolini1
- Enis Afgan1
- Erwan Corre1
- Espen Åberg1
- Frederick Tan1
- Gabriella Rustici1
- Gary Saunders1
- Geert Bonamie1
- Gianmauro Cuccuru1
- Gildas Le Corguillé1
- Glinez Thibaud1
- Gnaneswara Marupilla1
- Graeme Tyson1
- Ion Moraru1
- James Taylor1
- Jamie Edwards1
- Janick Mathys1
- John Chilton1
- Jordi Rambla1
- Josep Lluís Gelpí1
- José Manuel Domínguez1
- Juha Tornroos1
- Katherine Cox1
- Kenneth Hoste1
- Kristin Gnodke1
- Leandro Liborio1
- Lionel Maurel1
- Luigi Grassi1
- Maria Lehtivaara1
- Marius van den Beek1
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Resource type
- Carpentries style curriculum1
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