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Scientific topic
- Antimicrobial stewardship3
- Communicable disease3
- Exomes3
- Genome annotation3
- Genomes3
- Genomics3
- Infectious disease3
- Medical microbiology3
- Microbial genetics3
- Microbial physiology3
- Microbial surveillance3
- Microbiological surveillance3
- Microbiology3
- Molecular infection biology3
- Molecular microbiology3
- Personal genomics3
- Synthetic genomics3
- Transmissible disease3
- Viral genomics3
- Whole genomes3
- Assembly2
- Epidemiology2
- Evolution2
- Evolutionary biology2
- Public health2
- Public health and epidemiology2
- Sequence assembly2
- Biological sequences1
- Community analysis1
- DNA polymorphism1
- DNA variation1
- Disease1
- Environmental microbiology1
- Genetic variation1
- Genomic variation1
- Metagenomics1
- Microbial ecology1
- Microbiome1
- Microsatellites1
- Molecular community analysis1
- Mutation1
- Pathology1
- Phylogenetic clocks1
- Phylogenetic dating1
- Phylogenetic simulation1
- Phylogenetic stratigraphy1
- Phylogeny1
- Phylogeny reconstruction1
- Polymorphism1
- Sequence analysis1
- Sequence databases1
- Shotgun metagenomics1
- Single nucleotide polymorphism1
- Somatic mutations1
- Taxonomy1
- Variable number of tandem repeat polymorphism1
- snps1
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Content provider
- Galaxy Training1
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Difficulty level
- Intermediate1
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Target audience
- Students1
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- Wolfgang Maier
- Björn Grüning3
- Helena Rasche3
- Saskia Hiltemann3
- Bérénice Batut2
- Niall Beard2
- Nicola Soranzo2
- Peter van Heusden2
- Alex Ostrovsky1
- Anthony Bretaudeau1
- Anton Nekrutenko1
- Christoph Stritt1
- Galo A. Goig1
- Gildas Le Corguillé1
- Jennifer Hillman-Jackson1
- Lucille Delisle1
- Maria Doyle1
- Mélanie Petera1
- Nate Coraor1
- Simon Gladman1
- Vijay1
- William Durand1
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Resource type
- e-learning1
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