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Scientific topic
- Exomes3
- Genome annotation3
- Genomes3
- Genomics3
- Personal genomics3
- Synthetic genomics3
- Viral genomics3
- Whole genomes3
- Data management2
- Metadata management2
- Research data management (RDM)2
- Bottom-up proteomics1
- Comparative transcriptomics1
- Discovery proteomics1
- Evolution1
- Evolutionary biology1
- Gene expression microarray1
- Genotyping array1
- MS-based targeted proteomics1
- MS-based untargeted proteomics1
- Marine biology1
- Metagenomics1
- Metaproteomics1
- Methylation array1
- MicroRNA array1
- Microarray experiment1
- Microarrays1
- Multichannel microarray1
- One channel microarray1
- Peptide identification1
- Proprietary platform micoarray1
- Protein and peptide identification1
- Proteomics1
- Quantitative proteomics1
- RNA1
- RNA chips1
- RNA microarrays1
- Rare diseases1
- Reverse phase protein array1
- SNP array1
- Shotgun metagenomics1
- Small RNA1
- Targeted proteomics1
- Tiling arrays1
- Tissue microarray1
- Top-down proteomics1
- Transcriptome1
- Transcriptomics1
- Two channel microarray1
- aCGH microarray1
- mRNA microarray1
- miRNA array1
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Standard database or policy
- NCBI Gene3
- Genomics England | PanelApp1
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- EeLP5
- eLearning5
- E learning2
- Gene lists2
- R2
- training2
- RNA-Seq1
- Affymetrix1
- Alternative expression1
- Animal pathogens1
- Biocuration1
- Biohistory1
- Bioinformatics1
- Biological networks1
- Blast1
- Cytoscape1
- Data Life Cycle1
- Data managment plan1
- Data visualization1
- Differential expression1
- Evolutionary bioinformatics1
- Evolutionary biology1
- Experimental design rna seq1
- Functional association networks1
- Galaxy1
- Gene function prediction1
- Gene ontology1
- Genemania1
- Genomics1
- Gsea1
- Igv1
- Introduction rna seq analysis1
- Kegg1
- Marine Metagenomics1
- Microarray data analysis1
- Microarrays1
- Multiple sequence alignment1
- Network visualization1
- Over representation analysis1
- Pathway analysis1
- Pattern discovery1
- Phylogenetics1
- Plotting data1
- Reactome1
- Rna seq alignment1
- Transcript isoforms1
- Transcriptional regulation1
- Transript expression1
- Visualisation1
- data management1
- data management plan1
- data stewardship1
- human disease1
- life sciences1
- microarrays1
- proteomics1
- software tools1
- transcriptomics1
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Difficulty level
- Not specified
- Beginner24
- Intermediate8
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Target audience
- Researchers
- Biologists, Genomicists, Computer Scientists167
- Post-Doctoral Fellows161
- PhD students119
- Clinicians103
- Graduate students83
- Graduate Students78
- Novice44
- Intermediate26
- Life Science Researchers17
- post-docs17
- Biologists15
- Beginners14
- bioinformaticians14
- Bench biologists13
- beginner bioinformaticians13
- life scientists13
- Trainers8
- biocurators8
- PhD5
- General Interest4
- postgrad4
- Life Scientists3
- Training Designers3
- Training instructors3
- data stewards3
- postdoc3
- software developers, bioinformaticians3
- teachers3
- Clinical Scientists2
- Laboratory technicians2
- Master students2
- Postgraduate students2
- Scientists2
- Undergraduate students2
- Veterinarians2
- biology and bioinformatics sophomore undergraduates2
- postdocs2
- Anyone interested in bioinformatics1
- Anyone wants to start using the Unix/Linux OS1
- Anyone who wants to become a good trainer or teacher1
- Bachelor students1
- Beginner informatics1
- Bioinformatician1
- Bioinformatics1
- Biomedical researchers1
- Educators1
- Grad students1
- High School Students1
- Lecturers1
- Life sciences1
- Ontologists1
- PhD Students1
- Prospective and existing trainers1
- Researchers 1
- Structural Biologists1
- Technicians1
- This webinar is aimed at scientists with an interest in learning more about the Europe PMC and optimising their literature searches.1
- University and College Level Students1
- Users1
- Wet-lab researchers and bioinformaticians who want to access scientific literature and data programmatically.1
- clinicians and informaticians interested in cancer genetics1
- computational scientists1
- data managers1
- early stage phytopathogen researchers1
- experimeintal biologist researchers1
- field biologist researchers1
- geneticists1
- healthcare professionals1
- high school1
- master1
- plant researchers1
- postdoctoral researchers1
- principle investigators1
- programmers1
- trainers1
- web developers1
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- Mathieu Bourgey11
- Michelle Brazas10
- David Wishart9
- Jared Simpson9
- Boris Steipe8
- Malachi Griffith8
- Fouad Yousif5
- Guillaume Bourque5
- Brian Haas4
- Gary Van Domselaar4
- Sorana Morrissy4
- Will Hsiao4
- Anamaria Crisan3
- Anna Goldenberg3
- Gary Bader3
- Jeff Xia3
- Jüri Reimand3
- Obi Griffith3
- Patricia Palagi3
- Quaid Morris3
- Robin Haw3
- Andrei Turinsky2
- Andrew McArthur2
- David Bujold2
- Eija Korpelainen2
- Fiona Brinkman2
- Florence Cavalli2
- Francis Ouellette 2
- George Mihaiescu2
- John Parkinson2
- Lauren Erdman2
- Martin Hirst2
- Micheal Brudno2
- Micheal Hoffman2
- Mick Watson2
- Misha Bilenky2
- Rob Beiko2
- Trevor Pugh2
- Veronique Voisin2
- Andrea Argentini1
- Andrew McPherson1
- Björn Grüning1
- Brane Leskosek1
- Brian O'Connor1
- Carl Virtanen1
- Celia van Gelder1
- Chloé-Agathe Azencott1
- Dillon Baker 1
- Donald Roy Forsdyke1
- Ed Taboada1
- Ellen McDonagh1
- Erik Hjerde1
- Espen Aberg1
- Espen Mikal Robertsen1
- Eva Freyhult1
- François Laviolette1
- Frederik Coppens1
- Gavin Douglas1
- Hamza Farooq1
- Hana Pergl Sustkova1
- Jacques Corbeil1
- Jana Freeman1
- Jessica Lindvall1
- Jure Dimec1
- Laura Hug1
- Lincoln Stein1
- Marek Vrbacky1
- Maria Lehtivaara1
- Marie-Pierre Dubé1
- Mario Marchand1
- Mark Phillips1
- Martin Hubalek1
- Matthias Fahrner1
- Melanie Foell1
- Mickeal Leclercq1
- Mihaela Martis1
- Morgan Langille1
- Natalie Stickle1
- Nicola Mulder1
- Nils Peder Willassen1
- Paul Boutros1
- Pavel Dvorak1
- Rebecca Foulger1
- Robert Beiko1
- Sara Mostafavi1
- Sarah Morgan1
- Sergey Naumenko1
- Teresa Attwood1
- Tereza Machacova1
- University of Carolina1
- University of Edinburgh1
- Wyeth Wasserman1
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Eija Korpelainen2
- Andrea Argentini1
- Björn Grüning1
- Brane Leskosek1
- Celia van Gelder1
- Erik Hjerde1
- Espen Aberg1
- Espen Mikal Robertsen1
- Eva Freyhult1
- Frederik Coppens1
- Hana Pergl Sustkova1
- Jessica Lindvall1
- Jure Dimec1
- Marek Vrbacky1
- Maria Lehtivaara1
- Martin Hubalek1
- Matthias Fahrner1
- Melanie Foell1
- Mihaela Martis1
- Nicola Mulder1
- Nils Peder Willassen1
- Patricia Palagi1
- Pavel Dvorak1
- Sarah Morgan1
- Teresa Attwood1
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Related resource
- Data Stewardship Wizard1
- Genomics England PanelApp1
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