Training materials
Scientific topics: Simulation experiment
and Difficulty level: Intermediate
and Operations: Mathematical modelling
6 materials found
Biomedicine, supercomputers and simulations: in silico experiments and its applications in cancer research
•• intermediateSimulation experiment Personalised medicine Molecular interactions, pathways and networks Modelling and simulation HPC Biomodelling cell simulations -
Tutorials on COBREXA
•• intermediatePersonalised medicine Simulation experiment Modelling and simulation cell-level simulations Biomodelling HPC -
Tutorial on CellNOpt
•• intermediatePersonalised medicine Simulation experiment Molecular interactions, pathways and networks Modelling and simulation HPC Biomodelling Signalling -
Introduction to qualitative modelling with MaBoSS
•• intermediateSimulation experiment Personalised medicine Molecular interactions, pathways and networks Statistics and probability Modelling and simulation HPC Biomodelling cell simulations Boolean -
Tutorial, Documentation
BioSimulators tutorial and help
•• intermediateSystems biology Computational biology Simulation experiment Modelling and simulation Modeling biomodel dynamic simulations COMBINE OMEX SED-ML SBML BNGL -
BioSimulations tutorial and help
•• intermediateComputational biology Systems biology Simulation experiment Visualisation Modelling and simulation SystemsBiology ComputationalBiology Computational modelling Modeling Biomodelling Model Kinetic modeling SED-ML COMBINE