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Scientific topic
- Bioinformatics
- Data management28
- Metadata management28
- Research data management (RDM)28
- Protein bioinformatics27
- Protein databases27
- Protein informatics27
- Proteins27
- Protein structure21
- Protein structure analysis21
- Protein tertiary structure21
- Biomathematics19
- Computational biology19
- Mathematical biology19
- Theoretical biology19
- Community analysis15
- Data archival15
- Data archiving15
- Data curation15
- Data curation and archival15
- Data preservation15
- Database curation15
- Environmental microbiology15
- Microbial ecology15
- Microbiome15
- Molecular community analysis15
- Molecular diagnostics15
- Personalised medicine15
- Precision medicine15
- Research data archiving15
- Content management14
- Database management14
- Document management14
- Exomes14
- File management14
- Genome annotation14
- Genomes14
- Genomics14
- Metagenomics14
- Personal genomics14
- Record management14
- Shotgun metagenomics14
- Synthetic genomics14
- Viral genomics14
- Whole genomes14
- Antimicrobial stewardship13
- Bottom-up proteomics13
- Discovery proteomics13
- Function analysis13
- Functional analysis13
- MS-based targeted proteomics13
- MS-based untargeted proteomics13
- Medical microbiology13
- Metaproteomics13
- Microbial genetics13
- Microbial physiology13
- Microbial surveillance13
- Microbiological surveillance13
- Microbiology13
- Molecular infection biology13
- Molecular microbiology13
- Peptide identification13
- Protein and peptide identification13
- Protein function analysis13
- Protein function prediction13
- Proteomics13
- Quantitative proteomics13
- Targeted proteomics13
- Top-down proteomics13
- Chemical biology12
- Bibliography11
- Citations11
- DNA variation11
- Documentation11
- Genetic variation11
- Genomic variation11
- Genotype11
- Genotype and phenotype11
- Genotype and phenotype resources11
- Genotype-phenotype11
- Genotype-phenotype analysis11
- Genotyping11
- Language11
- Literature11
- Literature and language11
- Mutation11
- Phenotype11
- Phenotyping11
- Polymorphism11
- References11
- Scientific literature11
- Somatic mutations11
- Genes10
- Genetics10
- Heredity10
- Codon usage9
- Comparative transcriptomics9
- DNA chips9
- DNA microarrays9
- Exometabolomics9
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- Introduction7
- Bioinformatics2
- Human genetic variation2
- Programming2
- Proteins2
- Variants2
- R-programming1
- Bioinformatic databases1
- COVID-191
- Chemical biology1
- Cloud computing1
- Controlled vocabularies1
- Corona virus1
- Cross domain1
- Databases1
- Dna rna1
- EOSC-Life1
- Gaming1
- Gene expression1
- Genetic variation databases1
- High throughput sequencing analysis1
- Literature1
- Metadata1
- Molecular docking1
- Mutations1
- Ngs1
- Ngs bioinformatics1
- Online learning1
- Ontologies1
- PDBe1
- Plants bioinformatics1
- Python1
- Python biologists1
- Rna seq chip seq anayses1
- SARS-CoV-21
- SNPs1
- Sequence Analysis1
- Structures1
- Systems1
- Systems biology1
- Tools1
- UX design1
- Variant calling1
- Virtual Screening1
- Virtual machine1
- bibliography management1
- biomolecular databases1
- chromatin structure1
- data minning1
- intrinsically disordered proteins1
- introduction1
- introduction to bioinformatics1
- molecular dynamics1
- molecular evolution1
- normal modes analysis1
- parallel computing1
- phylogenetics1
- protein folding1
- protein structure alignment1
- structural biology1
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Difficulty level
- Not specified
- Beginner7
- Intermediate3
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Target audience
- PhD students12
- Clinicians10
- beginner bioinformaticians2
- post-docs2
- Anyone interested in bioinformatics1
- Beginner informatics1
- Biologists1
- Biologists, Genomicists, Computer Scientists1
- General Interest1
- Life Science Researchers1
- Life sciences1
- Trainers1
- plant researchers1
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- Alexandros C. Dimopoulos1
- F. Abascal, J. Aguirre, E. Andrés-León, D. Bajic, D. Baú, J. A. Bueren-Calabuig, Á. Cortés-Cabrera, I. Dotu, J. M. Fernández, H. G. D. Santos, B. Garcı́a-Jiménez, R. Guantes, I. Irisarri, N. Jiménez-Lozano, J. Klett, R. Méndez, A. Morreale, A. Pascual-Garcı́a, A. Perona, A. Sebastian, M. Stich, S. Tarazona, I. Yruela y R. Zardoya1
- Gabriella Rustici1
- Maria Victoria ...1
- Martin Reczko1
- Michelle Brazas1
- Nicole Vasilevsky1
- allegra.via Via1
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- Portada: Enrique Sahagún 1
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Resource type
- e-learning10
- Recorded webinar4
- Book1
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