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- ELIXIR-SI eLearning Platform (EeLP)1
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- EeLP4
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- Bioinformatics for schools, basic bioinformatics, SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, genome analysis, protein sequence analysis, protein structure analysis, virus variants, spike protein, training material1
- Cloud computing1
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- Curriculum development, course design, learning outcomes, Bloom's Taxonomy, assessment, course evaluation, training trainers, training material1
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- High throughput sequencing analysis1
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- Beginner1
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- Trainers
- Anyone interested in simulation of metabolic models, and in PerMedCoE tools and activities5
- Life Science Researchers1
- Novice users of HPC and anyone who expects to need to use HPC systems at some stage in their research1
- Training Designers1
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- Training materials1
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