Training materials
Cybersecurity Quiz for SIB employees only (internal use)
neXtProt : Exploring human proteins
BioMedIT: Information Security Awareness Training
Documentation, Presentation
ELIXIR AAI Engagement Meetings Materials
•• intermediateComputer science AAI IAM Authentication authorisation -
Biomedicine, supercomputers and simulations: in silico experiments and its applications in cancer research
•• intermediateSimulation experiment Personalised medicine Molecular interactions, pathways and networks Modelling and simulation HPC Biomodelling cell simulations -
Introduction to qualitative modelling with MaBoSS
•• intermediateSimulation experiment Personalised medicine Molecular interactions, pathways and networks Statistics and probability Modelling and simulation HPC Biomodelling cell simulations Boolean -
Analysis of huge metabolic models with COBREXA.jl
•• intermediateSimulation experiment cell-level simulations HPC Biomodelling -
Introduction to PerMedCoE: Exascale-ready cell-level simulations for European Personalised Medicine
•• intermediatePersonalised medicine HPC Biomodelling cell-level simulations -
Video, Webinar
ELIXIR CZ Friday Coffee #5: Data Management with Data Stewardship Wizard
Using the Norwegian e-infrastructure for Life Science and
• beginnerNeLS Data storage data sharing Data analysis