Training materials
Scientific topics: Shotgun metagenomics
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and Licence: License Not Specified
10 materials found
Recorded webinar
MGnify Proteins: a new resource of 2.5 billion proteins for exploring metagenomics sequence space
Exploring environmental DNA: Metabarcoding workflow and open data resources for eDNA research
Exploring microbial ecosystems: A curated collection of EMBL-EBI on-demand training
Recorded webinar
Harmony in diversity: exploring the rich microbiomes of South American wildlife
Recorded webinar
The Pathogens Portal: A gateway to vast biomolecular data for pathogen research
Recorded webinar
Strain-resolved approaches for human microbiome studies
MGnify: Quick tour
Metagenomics 2015
TGAC Metagenomics: From bench to data analysis
EBI Metagenomics portal: Quick tour