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Scientific topic
- Simulation experiment5
- Biomathematics3
- Computational biology3
- Mathematical biology3
- Molecular diagnostics3
- Personalised medicine3
- Precision medicine3
- Theoretical biology3
- Bioinformatics2
- Biological modelling2
- Biological models2
- Biological networks2
- Biological pathways2
- Biological system modelling2
- Cellular process pathways2
- Computational toxicology2
- Disease pathways2
- Environmental information processing pathways2
- Exomes2
- Gene regulatory networks2
- Genetic information processing pathways2
- Genome annotation2
- Genomes2
- Genomics2
- Interactions2
- Interactome2
- Metabolic pathways2
- Metagenomics2
- MicroRNA sequencing2
- Molecular interactions2
- Molecular interactions, pathways and networks2
- Networks2
- Pathways2
- Personal genomics2
- RNA sequencing2
- RNA-Seq2
- RNA-Seq analysis2
- Shotgun metagenomics2
- Signal transduction pathways2
- Signaling pathways2
- Small RNA sequencing2
- Small RNA-Seq2
- Small-Seq2
- Synthetic genomics2
- Systems biology2
- Systems modelling2
- Toxicoinformatics2
- Toxicology2
- Transcriptome profiling2
- Viral genomics2
- Whole genomes2
- Whole transcriptome shotgun sequencing2
- miRNA-seq2
- Aerobiology1
- Antimicrobial stewardship1
- Applied ontology1
- Behavioural biology1
- Biological rhythms1
- Biological science1
- Biology1
- Chromosome walking1
- Chronobiology1
- Clone verification1
- Cloud computing1
- Codon usage1
- Computer science1
- Content management1
- Cryobiology1
- DNA chips1
- DNA microarrays1
- DNA variation1
- DNA-Seq1
- DNase-Seq1
- Database management1
- Document management1
- Dynamic systems1
- Dynamical systems1
- Dynymical systems theory1
- Epidemiology1
- Exometabolomics1
- Expression1
- File management1
- Gene expression1
- Gene expression profiling1
- Gene transcription1
- Gene translation1
- Genetic variation1
- Genomic variation1
- Graph analytics1
- HPC1
- High performance computing1
- High throughput sequencing1
- High-performance computing1
- High-throughput sequencing1
- LC-MS-based metabolomics1
- MS-based metabolomics1
- MS-based targeted metabolomics1
- MS-based untargeted metabolomics1
- Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics1
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Mathematical modelling5
- Modelling and simulation5
- Biological network analysis1
- Biological network modelling1
- Biological network prediction1
- Data visualisation1
- Database retrieval1
- Molecular visualisation1
- Network analysis1
- Network comparison1
- Network modelling1
- Network prediction1
- Network simulation1
- Network topology simulation1
- Plotting1
- Query1
- Query and retrieval1
- RNA-Seq analysis1
- Rendering1
- Visualisation1
- Show N_FILTERS more
- HPC5
- Biomodelling3
- ELIXIR RIR, BridgeDb3
- Biological networks2
- MGnify2
- Metagenomics2
- Microbiology2
- Modeling2
- Pathway analysis2
- Pathways2
- dynamic simulations2
- enanomapper2
- CWL1
- Computational modelling1
- Computer Programming1
- Containers1
- DES1
- Data Science1
- Data analysis1
- Data download1
- Data querying1
- Differential Expression1
- Documentation and help1
- Gene Expression1
- Identifiers1
- Literature1
- MPI1
- Metabolomics1
- Network Visualization1
- Network analysis1
- Python1
- RNA-seq1
- RNAseq, transcriptomics1
- Sequence Analysis1
- Sequence analysis1
- Signaling1
- Signalling1
- Sparql queries1
- Sparql syntax1
- Transcriptomics1
- Workflows1
- biological pathways1
- biomodel1
- biosimulators1
- building blocks1
- cell-level simulations1
- commonwl1
- data visualization1
- data-driven modeling1
- discrete-event simulation1
- nanotoxicology1
- nanotoxicology, Ontologies, BioPortal, AberOWL, Protégé1
- object-oriented programming1
- ontologies1
- ontology1
- resource description framework1
- Show N_FILTERS more
Difficulty level
- Not specified69
- Beginner14
- Intermediate9
- Advanced1
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- License Not Specified72
- Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International7
- Apache License 2.04
- Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International3
- Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal3
- Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International1
- GNU General Public License v2.0 only1
- GNU General Public License v3.0 only1
- MIT License1
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Target audience
- Biologists6
- Life Science Researchers4
- Chemists3
- bioinformaticians3
- Computational biologists2
- Life Scientists2
- PhD students2
- Researchers2
- modelers2
- post-docs2
- programmers2
- Anyone interested in simulation of metabolic models, and in PerMedCoE tools and activities1
- Bioinformaticians1
- Biologists, Genomicists, Computer Scientists1
- Developers wanting to distribute their MPI dependent software1
- HPC system maintainers wanting to enable MPI containers1
- Microbiologists1
- Novice users of HPC and anyone who expects to need to use HPC systems at some stage in their research1
- PhD students, computer scientists, bioinformaticians and developers who need to maintain/extend existing tools or develop new tools for Galaxy. 1
- Public Health Professionals1
- Staff1
- Users wanting to construct MPI containers1
- computational scientists1
- data entering1
- software developers, bioinformaticians1
- software engineers1
- tool authors1
- Show N_FILTERS more
- bgruening19
- bebatut17
- nekrut12
- shiltemann9
- Egon Willighagen7
- stortebecker7
- joachimwolff6
- blankclemens5
- erxleben5
- slugger705
- malloryfreeberg4
- pajanne4
- Friederike Ehrhart3
- Jonathan Karr3
- moheydarian3
- vivekbhr3
- yvanlebras3
- Bartosz Bartmanski2
- Denise Slenter2
- Henrik Nortamo2
- Jesse Harrison2
- Lauren Dupuis2
- Martina Kutmon2
- annasyme2
- delphine-l2
- erasche2
- fidelram2
- nsoranzo2
- tnabtaf2
- tseemann2
- yhoogstrate2
- Alex Mitchell1
- Arthur Goldberg1
- COBRA Toolbox development team1
- Clair Castle1
- David Vicente1
- Delphine-L1
- Florian-H-Lab1
- Guillermo Rangel Pineros1
- Javi Conejero1
- Jonathan Mélius1
- Julie Sullivan1
- Laurent Heirendt1
- Linda Rieswijk1
- Lorna Richardson1
- Maria Doyle1
- Miroslav Kratochvil1
- NickSto1
- Ola Tarkowska1
- Rachel Lyne1
- Raf Winand1
- Rebecca Campos1
- Rob Finn1
- Sergio Martínez Cuesta1
- St Elmo Wilken1
- Stefano Mangiola1
- Susan Coort1
- Varsha Kale1
- Yo Yehudi1
- bagnacan1
- cmonjeau1
- dmaticzka1
- dpryan791
- dyusuf1
- fabio-cumbo1
- friedue1
- guerler1
- hrhotz1
- jj-umn1
- jmchilton1
- martenson1
- marziacremona1
- natefoo1
- pavanvidem1
- polkhe1
- pratikdjagtap1
- timothygriffin1
- torhou1
- wm751
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Resource type
- Tutorial
- e-learning607
- Recorded webinar237
- slides94
- Video51
- Slides46
- Course materials43
- Webinar36
- Training materials33
- Slidedeck29
- Documentation27
- Presentation24
- course materials21
- Scripts18
- Exercise17
- Handout17
- hands-on tutorial11
- PDF8
- E-learning7
- Talk5
- slideck/ presentation4
- FREE online course3
- Jupyter notebook3
- Online tutorial3
- online modules3
- Series of videos2
- API reference2
- Book2
- Computer Software2
- Installation instructions2
- Life Sciences Literature Database2
- Manual2
- Mock data2
- Vignette2
- Carpentries style curriculum1
- Notes1
- Training materials with mock data1
- Transcript presentation1
- Video transcript1
- ViralZone1
- Workshop instructions1
- educational materials1
- examples1
- hackathon1
- knowledgebase1
- test?1
- workflow1
- youtube video1
- Show N_FILTERS more
Related resource
- Input datasets32
- Associated slides9
- Proteomics dataset5
- Sequence analysis dataset5
- Transcriptomics dataset5
- Assembly dataset4
- Variant Analysis dataset4
- Assembly slides3
- Development in Galaxy slides3
- ChIP-Seq data analysis dataset2
- Epigenetics dataset2
- Genome Annotation dataset2
- Metagenomics dataset2
- Sequence analysis slides2
- COBRA Toolbox1
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material slides1
- Galaxy Server administration slides1
- Genome Annotation slides1
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses dataset1
- Introduction to Galaxy dataset1
- Statistics dataset1
- Transcriptomics slides1
- User Interface and Features dataset1
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