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Scientific topic
- Microbial physiology
- Data management101
- Metadata management101
- Research data management (RDM)101
- Algorithms88
- Computer programming88
- Data structures88
- Programming languages88
- Software development88
- Software engineering88
- Bottom-up proteomics50
- Discovery proteomics50
- MS-based targeted proteomics50
- MS-based untargeted proteomics50
- Metaproteomics50
- Peptide identification50
- Protein and peptide identification50
- Proteomics50
- Quantitative proteomics50
- Targeted proteomics50
- Top-down proteomics50
- Community analysis45
- Environmental microbiology45
- Microbial ecology45
- Microbiome45
- Molecular community analysis45
- FAIR data43
- Findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable data43
- Metagenomics42
- Shotgun metagenomics42
- Biological sequences39
- Sequence analysis39
- Sequence databases39
- Comparative transcriptomics37
- Transcriptome37
- Transcriptomics37
- Exomes35
- Genome annotation35
- Genomes35
- Genomics35
- Personal genomics35
- Synthetic genomics35
- Viral genomics35
- Whole genomes35
- Antimicrobial stewardship32
- Bayesian methods32
- Biostatistics32
- Descriptive statistics32
- Gaussian processes32
- Inferential statistics32
- Markov processes32
- Medical microbiology32
- Microbial genetics32
- Microbial surveillance32
- Microbiological surveillance32
- Microbiology32
- Molecular infection biology32
- Molecular microbiology32
- Multivariate statistics32
- Probabilistic graphical model32
- Probability32
- Statistics32
- Statistics and probability32
- Bioinformatics31
- DNA variation29
- Genetic variation29
- Genomic variation29
- Mutation29
- Polymorphism29
- Somatic mutations29
- Rare diseases28
- Protein bioinformatics27
- Protein databases27
- Protein informatics27
- Proteins27
- Assembly26
- Sequence assembly26
- Biomathematics25
- Computational biology25
- Mathematical biology25
- Protein structure25
- Protein structure analysis25
- Protein tertiary structure25
- Theoretical biology25
- Computational ecology24
- Ecoinformatics24
- Ecological informatics24
- Ecology24
- Ecosystem science24
- Exometabolomics21
- LC-MS-based metabolomics21
- MS-based metabolomics21
- MS-based targeted metabolomics21
- MS-based untargeted metabolomics21
- Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics21
- Metabolites21
- Metabolome21
- Metabolomics21
- Metabonomics21
- Molecular diagnostics21
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Galaxy18
- JBrowse5
- FastQC4
- fastp4
- kraken23
- snippy3
- BCFtools2
- Bakta2
- Bandage2
- Bracken2
- COMBAT-TB Workbench2
- NanoPlot2
- Recentrifuge2
- SAMtools2
- Unicycler2
- staramr2
- tb-profiler2
- tbl2gff32
- Apollo1
- BEDTools1
- BWA1
- Bowtie1
- Bowtie 21
- Bwa-mem21
- Circos1
- DeepTools1
- Filtlong1
- Flye1
- FreeBayes1
- Galactic Circos1
- ISEScan1
- Integron Finder1
- Jvarkit1
- Minimap21
- MultiQC1
- PlasmidFinder1
- Polypolish1
- QualiMap1
- RAxML1
- Racon1
- Trimmomatic1
- Vcflib1
- compute_sequence_length1
- ggplot21
- miniasm1
- shovill1
- Show N_FILTERS more
- microgalaxy17
- prokaryote9
- gmod6
- jbrowse16
- Genome Annotation5
- illumina5
- Assembly4
- bacteria4
- one-health4
- Variant Analysis3
- amr3
- assembly3
- Evolution2
- Microbiome2
- nanopore2
- AMR1
- Bacteria1
- Ecology1
- Metabolites1
- Metabolome1
- Open access1
- Pathogens1
- Pathogens Portal1
- Sequence analysis1
- Small molecules1
- apollo21
- essential genes1
- microbial ecosystems1
- microbiome1
- phylogenetics1
- plasmids1
- tnseq1
- tuberculosis1
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Difficulty level
- Beginner16
- Not specified13
- Intermediate3
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Bérénice Batut8
- Simon Gladman4
- Anton Nekrutenko3
- Bazante Sanders3
- Delphine Lariviere3
- Anna Syme2
- Christoph Stritt2
- Daniela Brites2
- Galo A. Goig2
- Helena Rasche2
- Torsten Seemann2
- Alex Ostrovsky1
- Anthony Bretaudeau1
- Clea Siguret1
- Didier Debroas1
- Mateo Boudet1
- Nadia Goué1
- Nathan Dunn1
- Peter van Heusden1
- Raf Winand1
- Saskia Hiltemann1
- Thoba Lose1
- Willem de Koning1
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Björn Grüning17
- Bérénice Batut16
- Helena Rasche16
- Saskia Hiltemann16
- Anthony Bretaudeau10
- Niall Beard5
- Nicola Soranzo5
- Peter van Heusden4
- Anton Nekrutenko3
- Bazante Sanders3
- Cristóbal Gallardo3
- Maria Doyle3
- Miaomiao Zhou3
- Teresa Müller3
- Wolfgang Maier3
- Christoph Stritt2
- Clea Siguret2
- Deepti Varshney2
- Delphine Lariviere2
- Gildas Le Corguillé2
- Mélanie Petera2
- Nate Coraor2
- Simon Gladman2
- William Durand2
- pimarin2
- Alex Ostrovsky1
- Anna Syme1
- Enis Afgan1
- Galo A. Goig1
- Jennifer Hillman-Jackson1
- Linelle Abueg1
- Lucille Delisle1
- Matúš Kalaš1
- Paul Zierep1
- Simon Bray1
- Stéphanie Robin1
- Vijay1
- Willem de Koning1
- mmiladi1
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Resource type
- e-learning21
- Recorded webinar10
- Tutorial1
- Video1
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Related resource
- Associated Training Datasets18
- Associated Workflows18
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