Training materials
Bulk matrix to ESet | Creating the bulk RNA-seq dataset for deconvolution
• beginnerSingle Cell data management transcriptomics -
Bulk RNA Deconvolution with MuSiC
• beginnerSingle Cell transcriptomics -
Comparing inferred cell compositions using MuSiC deconvolution
• beginnerSingle Cell transcriptomics -
Using ASAP for Single-Cell Analysis
• beginnergenes and genomes biomarkers experimental biology functional genomics next generation sequencing population genomics single-cell biology training transcriptomics bart deplancke group -
hands-on tutorial
Bulk RNASeq analysis
•• intermediateTranscriptomics Gene expression Differential gene expression profiling Data analysis NGS RNASeq transcriptomics -
Introduction to bulk RNA-Seq: From Quality Control to Pathway Analysis
• beginnerfunctional genomics genes and genomes next generation sequencing transcriptomics training -
Gene Expression made Useful Easily: Tools and Database of Bgee
• beginnerBgee genes and genomes evolution and phylogeny services and resources comparative genomics database curation data management data visualisation transcriptomics training … -
course materials, Training materials, Slides, Video
RNA-seq data analysis using Chipster