Training materials
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and Scientific topics: Biological pathways
and Licence: License Not Specified
8 materials found
Recorded webinar
Complex Portal: from proteins to complexes
Recorded webinar
Accessing fine-grained Molecular Interactions data with IntAct
Recorded webinar
A guide to molecular interactions
Reactome: Exploring biological pathways
Biomedicine, supercomputers and simulations: in silico experiments and its applications in cancer research
•• intermediateSimulation experiment Personalised medicine Molecular interactions, pathways and networks Modelling and simulation HPC Biomodelling cell simulations -
Introduction to qualitative modelling with MaBoSS
•• intermediateSimulation experiment Personalised medicine Molecular interactions, pathways and networks Statistics and probability Modelling and simulation HPC Biomodelling cell simulations Boolean -
EMBO 2015
IntAct: Quick tour