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- IFB French Institute of Bioinformatics2
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- Reproducible Science
- Bioinformatics6
- Python4
- Programming3
- Python biologists3
- data management3
- metadata3
- CWL2
- EeLP2
- Nextflow2
- Protein identification2
- Workflows2
- bioinformatics2
- commonwl2
- data sharing2
- eLearning2
- linked data2
- R-programming1
- RNA-Seq1
- Variant-calling1
- Allbio1
- Biopython1
- Computational modelling1
- Containers1
- DES1
- DSL21
- Data Life Cycle1
- Data Science1
- Data analysis1
- Data management plan1
- Data preserving1
- Data processing1
- Data publishing1
- Data storage1
- Farm animals1
- Findability of data and code1
- Identifying data and code1
- Javascript1
- Mass spectrometry1
- NGS bioinformatics1
- Next generation sequencing1
- Ngs1
- Ngs bioinformatics1
- Open science1
- PID metadata1
- Persistent Identifiers1
- Protein Mass Spectrometry1
- Python API pyhandle1
- Qtl1
- Record parsing1
- Referencing data and code1
- Reproducibility1
- Rnaseq1
- Single Cell technologies1
- Structural variations1
- Transcription factors1
- Wikidata1
- common workflow language1
- coronavirus1
- data 1
- data annotation1
- data reuse1
- data stewardship1
- data visualization1
- data warehouse1
- data-driven modeling1
- discrete-event simulation1
- legal framework1
- licensing1
- life science standards1
- object-oriented programming1
- ontologies1
- scRNA-seq1
- system relevant metadata for data1
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Difficulty level
- Intermediate2
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- Hélène Chiapello2
- Jacques van Helden1
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Resource type
- Training materials1
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