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Scientific topic
- Biological models1
- Biological networks1
- Biological pathways1
- Cellular process pathways1
- Disease pathways1
- Environmental information processing pathways1
- Enzyme active site1
- Gene regulatory networks1
- Genetic information processing pathways1
- Interactions1
- Interactome1
- Metabolic pathways1
- Molecular interactions1
- Molecular interactions, pathways and networks1
- Networks1
- Pathways1
- Protein binding sites1
- Protein cleavage sites1
- Protein functional sites1
- Protein key folding sites1
- Protein-nucleic acid binding sites1
- Signal transduction pathways1
- Signaling pathways1
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- Bioinformatics
- De novo2
- Gene Ontology2
- enanomapper2
- ontologies2
- ArrayAnalysis.org, microarray1
- Bioinformatics for schools, basic bioinformatics, SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, genome analysis, protein sequence analysis, protein structure analysis, virus variants, spike protein, training material1
- Biopython1
- De novo genome assembly1
- Genotyping1
- High throughput sequencing analysis1
- Metagenomics1
- Microarray data analysis, Quality control and data pre-processing, Affymetrix microarrays, Systems biology, Pathway and network analyis1
- Multiple sequence alignment1
- Network visualization1
- Ngs1
- Ngs bioinformatics1
- Plants bioinformatics1
- Protein protein interaction networks1
- Python1
- Python biologists1
- Regression Models1
- Rna seq chip seq anayses1
- Signalling1
- Systems biology, Pathway analysis, Network analysis, Microarray data analysis, Nanomaterials1
- Variant calling1
- nanotoxicology, Ontologies, BioPortal, AberOWL, Protégé1
- ontologies, enanomapper1
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Difficulty level
- Not specified1
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Target audience
- post-docs
- bioinformaticians6
- Biologists5
- PhD students5
- Academia/ Research Institution4
- Healthcare4
- Industry4
- Non-Profit Organisation4
- Beginners2
- General Interest2
- Post-Doctoral Fellows2
- beginner bioinformaticians2
- Anyone wants to start using the Unix/Linux OS1
- Beginner informatics1
- Bench biologists1
- Biologists, Genomicists, Computer Scientists1
- Clinicians1
- Life Science Researchers1
- Life sciences1
- Master students1
- Researchers1
- Scientists1
- Technicians1
- biocurators1
- computational scientists1
- early stage phytopathogen researchers1
- master1
- programmers1
- web developers1
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- Paul Yorke1
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