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Scientific topic
- Codon usage1
- DNA chips1
- DNA microarrays1
- Expression1
- Functional genomics1
- Gene expression1
- Gene expression microarray1
- Gene expression profiling1
- Gene transcription1
- Gene translation1
- Genotype1
- Genotype and phenotype1
- Genotype and phenotype resources1
- Genotype-phenotype1
- Genotype-phenotype analysis1
- Genotyping1
- Genotyping array1
- Methylation array1
- MicroRNA array1
- MicroRNA sequencing1
- Microarray experiment1
- Microarrays1
- Multichannel microarray1
- One channel microarray1
- Phenotype1
- Phenotyping1
- Proprietary platform micoarray1
- RNA chips1
- RNA microarrays1
- RNA sequencing1
- RNA-Seq1
- RNA-Seq analysis1
- Reverse phase protein array1
- SNP array1
- Small RNA sequencing1
- Small RNA-Seq1
- Small-Seq1
- Tiling arrays1
- Tissue microarray1
- Transcription1
- Transcriptome profiling1
- Two channel microarray1
- Whole transcriptome shotgun sequencing1
- aCGH microarray1
- mRNA microarray1
- miRNA array1
- miRNA-seq1
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Content provider
- European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)1
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- training50
- Rare Diseases & Research27
- Bioinformatics19
- data management16
- genes and genomes16
- life-sciences16
- reproducibility16
- Shell13
- Proteins12
- data visualisation12
- health-informatics12
- programming12
- Chemical biology11
- Europe PMC11
- Introduction bioinformatics11
- Programming11
- Python11
- Extras10
- Introduction10
- Literature search10
- biostatistics10
- next generation sequencing10
- Gene Expression9
- Python biologists9
- computer-science9
- Biomedical Literature8
- Git8
- Inferential statistics8
- Ontologies8
- PDBe8
- Regex8
- algorithms8
- mark ibberson group8
- medicine and health8
- services and resources8
- torsten schwede & thierry sengstag group8
- Intro7
- Make7
- Multiple sequence alignment7
- Protein families7
- Ref7
- Structures7
- Genome sequencing6
- Metadata6
- Phylogenetics6
- Protein sequence analysis6
- R6
- Sequence alignments6
- Systems6
- Variants6
- alan bridge group6
- basic research6
- data mining6
- database curation6
- experimental biology6
- machine learning6
- marc robinson-rechavi group6
- proteins and proteomes6
- transcriptomics6
- Biocuration5
- Biomodelling5
- Blast5
- Cross domain5
- ELIXIR RIR, BridgeDb5
- HPC5
- Hg5
- Independent and dependent events5
- Matlab5
- Network analysis5
- Programmatic access5
- Small molecules5
- Systems biology5
- Teaching5
- bioinformatics5
- Text mining4
- AAI4
- Data analysis4
- Descriptive statistics4
- E learning4
- FAIR data4
- Flow cytometry data4
- Gene transcripts4
- Macromolecular structures4
- Microarray4
- NGS4
- Perl4
- Probability and combinatorics4
- Random variables and probability distributions4
- Statistical studies4
- Unix4
- comparative genomics4
- container4
- data security4
- environmental science4
- evolution and phylogeny4
- functional genomics4
- high-performance computing4
- infectious disease4
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Difficulty level
- Not specified1
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Target audience
- Clinicians1
- PhD students1
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Resource type
- e-learning1
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