Training materials
hands-on tutorial
NGS analysis
•• intermediateSequencing NGS Next Generation Sequencing -
hands-on tutorial
Bulk RNASeq analysis
•• intermediateTranscriptomics Gene expression Differential gene expression profiling Data analysis NGS RNASeq transcriptomics -
Functional genomics II: Common technologies and data analysis methods
Functional genomics III: Submitting your data and functional genomics databases
Introduction to bulk RNAseq analysis workshop
• beginnerbioinformatics RNAseq bulk NGS -
Docker version of Welsh Gene Park NGS course
• beginnerNGS IFR Institute of Food Research Quadram Institute -
IFR Dockerised version of the Welsh Genepark's Introduction to Command-line NGS Analysis
• beginnerNGS Command line IFR Institute of Food Research Quadram Institute -
3-day hands-on NGS workshop