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Scientific topic
- Microbiological surveillance
- Antimicrobial stewardship1
- Bayesian methods1
- Bibliography1
- Biodiversity1
- Biostatistics1
- Citations1
- Community analysis1
- Data clean-up1
- Data cleaning1
- Data integrity1
- Data management1
- Data quality1
- Data quality management1
- Descriptive statistics1
- Documentation1
- Environmental microbiology1
- Gaussian processes1
- Inferential statistics1
- Language1
- Literature1
- Literature and language1
- Markov processes1
- Medical microbiology1
- Metadata management1
- Metagenomics1
- Microbial ecology1
- Microbial genetics1
- Microbial physiology1
- Microbial surveillance1
- Microbiology1
- Microbiome1
- Molecular community analysis1
- Molecular infection biology1
- Molecular microbiology1
- Multivariate statistics1
- Probabilistic graphical model1
- Probability1
- References1
- Research data management (RDM)1
- Scientific literature1
- Shotgun metagenomics1
- Statistics1
- Statistics and probability1
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Content provider
- European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)1
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- Open access
- microgalaxy17
- prokaryote9
- gmod6
- jbrowse16
- Genome Annotation5
- illumina5
- Assembly4
- bacteria4
- one-health4
- Variant Analysis3
- amr3
- assembly3
- Evolution2
- Microbiome2
- nanopore2
- AMR1
- Bacteria1
- Ecology1
- Metabolites1
- Metabolome1
- Pathogens1
- Pathogens Portal1
- Sequence analysis1
- Small molecules1
- apollo21
- essential genes1
- microbial ecosystems1
- microbiome1
- phylogenetics1
- plasmids1
- tnseq1
- tuberculosis1
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Difficulty level
- Not specified1
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Target audience
- Clinicians1
- PhD students1
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Resource type
- e-learning1
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