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Scientific topic
- Genomic variation
- Bioinformatics2
- Applied ontology1
- Biological sequences1
- Biomathematics1
- Computational biology1
- DNA variation1
- Data archival1
- Data archiving1
- Data curation1
- Data curation and archival1
- Data preservation1
- Database curation1
- Genetic variation1
- Mathematical biology1
- Mutation1
- Ontologies1
- Ontology1
- Ontology and terminology1
- Ontology relations1
- Polymorphism1
- Protein structure1
- Protein structure analysis1
- Protein tertiary structure1
- Research data archiving1
- Sequence analysis1
- Sequence databases1
- Somatic mutations1
- Terminology1
- Theoretical biology1
- Upper ontology1
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Content provider
- European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)1
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- Tools
- Variant Analysis17
- one-health5
- virology4
- Introduction3
- Variants3
- microgalaxy3
- prokaryote3
- Human genetic variation2
- covid192
- Variant-calling1
- BioMart1
- ELIXIR RIR, BridgeDb1
- EVA1
- Gene transcripts1
- Genetic variation databases1
- Genome sequencing1
- Mutations1
- NGS bioinformatics1
- SNPs1
- Sequence alignments1
- VEP1
- Variant calling1
- Variation1
- coronavirus1
- cyoa1
- gmod1
- jbrowse11
- tuberculosis1
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Difficulty level
- Not specified1
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Target audience
- Clinicians1
- PhD students1
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Resource type
- e-learning1
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