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Scientific topic
- Algorithms23
- Computer programming23
- Data structures23
- Programming languages23
- Software development23
- Software engineering23
- Biological sequences2
- Community analysis2
- Content management2
- DNA metabarcoding2
- Data management2
- Database management2
- Diffraction experiment2
- Document management2
- Environmental metabarcoding2
- Environmental microbiology2
- File management2
- Imaging2
- Informatics2
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- Information science2
- Knowledge management2
- Metabarcoding2
- Metadata management2
- Metagenomics2
- Microbial ecology2
- Microbiome2
- Microscopy2
- Microscopy imaging2
- Molecular community analysis2
- Optical super resolution microscopy2
- Photonic force microscopy2
- Photonic microscopy2
- RNA metabarcoding2
- Record management2
- Research data management (RDM)2
- Sequence analysis2
- Sequence databases2
- Shotgun metagenomics2
- Taxonomy2
- eDNA metabarcoding2
- eRNA metabarcoding2
- Bottom-up proteomics1
- Comparative transcriptomics1
- Data privacy1
- Data security1
- Discovery proteomics1
- MS-based targeted proteomics1
- MS-based untargeted proteomics1
- Metaproteomics1
- Peptide identification1
- Protein and peptide identification1
- Proteomics1
- Quantitative proteomics1
- Targeted proteomics1
- Top-down proteomics1
- Transcriptome1
- Transcriptomics1
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Content provider
- Galaxy Training122
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- Galaxy Server administration33
- ansible18
- git-gat18
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material16
- FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research15
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training15
- fair13
- Development in Galaxy12
- Foundations of Data Science9
- data stewardship9
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data8
- dmp7
- R6
- jupyter-notebook6
- rmarkdown-notebook6
- jobs5
- cyoa3
- deploying3
- monitoring3
- open3
- ro-crate3
- 10x2
- Galaxy Community Building2
- Imaging2
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses2
- Microbiome2
- Single Cell2
- bioimaging2
- collections2
- data management2
- diversity2
- kubernetes2
- microgalaxy2
- networking2
- paper-replication2
- storage2
- taxonomic profiling2
- training2
- wireguard2
- workflows2
- 16S1
- Community1
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- ENA1
- FAIR Data1
- Genome Annotation1
- Proteomics1
- SIG1
- SQL1
- Transcriptomics1
- Workflows1
- and Research1
- apollo21
- authentication1
- automation1
- beacon1
- broken1
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- data management plan1
- ga4gh1
- gmod1
- gtn1
- metabarcoding1
- metagenomics1
- systemd1
- tags1
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- tools1
- work-in-progress1
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Difficulty level
- Beginner113
- Advanced5
- Intermediate4
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Target audience
- Galaxy Administrators45
- Students44
- Instructors33
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Helena Rasche48
- Bérénice Batut26
- Saskia Hiltemann13
- Fotis E. Psomopoulos12
- Katarzyna Kamieniecka12
- Krzysztof Poterlowicz12
- Björn Grüning11
- Nate Coraor8
- Anton Nekrutenko7
- Laura Cooper7
- Nicola Soranzo7
- Robert Andrews7
- Simon Gladman7
- Allegra Via6
- Andrew Mason6
- Branka Franicevic6
- ELIXIR Goblet Train the Trainers6
- Khaled Jum'ah6
- Patricia Palagi6
- Philippe Rocca-Serra6
- Sara Morsy6
- Xenia Perez Sitja6
- John Davis5
- Kellie Snow5
- Korneel Hens5
- Marius van den Beek5
- Munazah Andrabi5
- Nick Juty5
- Saskia Lawson-Tovey5
- John Chilton4
- Mira Kuntz4
- The Carpentries4
- Gianmauro Cuccuru3
- Julia Jakiela3
- Lucille Delisle3
- Nuwan Goonasekera3
- Alex Mahmoud2
- Anne Pajon2
- Anthony Bretaudeau2
- Avans Hogeschool2
- Enis Afgan2
- Laila Los2
- Martin Čech2
- Matthias Bernt2
- Pablo Moreno2
- Paul Zierep2
- Simone Leo2
- Youri Hoogstrate2
- Alex Ostrovsky1
- Assunta DeSanto1
- Aysam Guerler1
- Cameron Hyde1
- Camila Goclowski1
- Clemens Blank1
- Cristóbal Gallardo1
- Cyril Monjeaud1
- Dannon Baker1
- Dave B.1
- Dave Clements1
- Emily Angiolini1
- Erik Schill1
- Estelle Ancelet1
- Florian Christoph Sigloch1
- Gabriela Lopez-Gonzalez1
- Hans-Rudolf Hotz1
- Joachim Wolff1
- Johan Gustafsson1
- Lain Pavot1
- Lisanna Paladin1
- Luca Pireddu1
- Marco Enrico Piras1
- Marie Josse1
- Paul De Geest1
- Peter Sefton1
- Ross Lazarus1
- Sandra Ng1
- Simon Bray1
- Sofoklis Keisaris1
- Sonal Henson1
- Stian Soiland-Reyes1
- Torfinn Nome1
- Wendi Bacon1
- Yvan Le Bras1
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Saskia Hiltemann112
- Helena Rasche109
- Björn Grüning69
- Bérénice Batut50
- Nicola Soranzo42
- Marius van den Beek34
- Martin Čech30
- Nate Coraor29
- Lucille Delisle24
- Simon Gladman24
- Anthony Bretaudeau22
- Niall Beard22
- Khaled Jum'ah14
- Gildas Le Corguillé13
- Cristóbal Gallardo9
- Gianmauro Cuccuru9
- William Durand9
- Mira Kuntz8
- Katarzyna Kamieniecka7
- Wendi Bacon7
- Peter van Heusden6
- Enis Afgan4
- John Chilton4
- John Davis4
- Tomas Klingström4
- Marie Josse3
- Mehmet Tekman3
- Mélanie Petera3
- Wolfgang Maier3
- Yvan Le Bras3
- Anne Fouilloux2
- Anton Nekrutenko2
- Bazante Sanders2
- Beatriz Serrano-Solano2
- Catherine Bromhead2
- Dave B.2
- David López2
- Donny Vrins2
- Edwin den Haas2
- Eli Chadwick2
- Johan Gustafsson2
- Krzysztof Poterlowicz2
- Matthias Bernt2
- Nuwan Goonasekera2
- Oleg Zharkov2
- Paul Zierep2
- Pavankumar Videm2
- Simon Bray2
- Teresa Müller2
- Torfinn Nome2
- Tunc Kayikcioglu2
- Vlad Visan2
- Ahmed Hamid Awan1
- Alex Ostrovsky1
- Assunta DeSanto1
- Bert Droesbeke1
- Cameron Hyde1
- Camila Goclowski1
- Dannon Baker1
- Dave Clements1
- Deepti Varshney1
- Delphine Lariviere1
- Ekaterina Polkh1
- Erik Schill1
- Florian Christoph Sigloch1
- Fotis E. Psomopoulos1
- Gareth Price1
- Julia Jakiela1
- Kweyakie Afi Blebo1
- Lain Pavot1
- Lisanna Paladin1
- Maria Doyle1
- Melanie Föll1
- Munazah Andrabi1
- Nic Herndon1
- Ross Lazarus1
- Simone Leo1
- Sofoklis Keisaris1
- Tim Beck1
- Youri Hoogstrate1
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Resource type
- e-learning
- slides63
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Related resource
- Quarto/RMarkdown Notebook
- Associated Training Datasets290
- Associated Workflows234
- Jupyter Notebook (with Solutions)40
- Jupyter Notebook (without Solutions)40
- ansible19
- git-gat18
- jobs5
- DMPonline3
- deploying3
- monitoring3
- ro-crate3
- collections2
- cyoa2
- kubernetes2
- networking2
- storage2
- training2
- wireguard2
- workflows2
- Community1
- DDA1
- ENA1
- SIG1
- apollo21
- authentication1
- automation1
- beacon1
- broken1
- cloud1
- data1
- fair1
- features1
- ga4gh1
- gmod1
- gtn1
- interactive-tools1
- systemd1
- tags1
- terraform1
- tools1
- work-in-progress1
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