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Scientific topic
- Assembly
- Bottom-up proteomics32
- Discovery proteomics32
- MS-based targeted proteomics32
- MS-based untargeted proteomics32
- Metaproteomics32
- Peptide identification32
- Protein and peptide identification32
- Proteomics32
- Quantitative proteomics32
- Targeted proteomics32
- Top-down proteomics32
- Biological sequences28
- Sequence analysis28
- Sequence databases28
- Community analysis25
- Environmental microbiology25
- Microbial ecology25
- Microbiome25
- Molecular community analysis25
- Metagenomics23
- Shotgun metagenomics23
- Sequence assembly21
- Comparative transcriptomics19
- Transcriptome19
- Transcriptomics19
- Antimicrobial stewardship18
- Bayesian methods18
- Biostatistics18
- Computational ecology18
- Descriptive statistics18
- Ecoinformatics18
- Ecological informatics18
- Ecology18
- Ecosystem science18
- Exomes18
- Gaussian processes18
- Genome annotation18
- Genomes18
- Genomics18
- Inferential statistics18
- Markov processes18
- Medical microbiology18
- Microbial genetics18
- Microbial physiology18
- Microbial surveillance18
- Microbiological surveillance18
- Microbiology18
- Molecular infection biology18
- Molecular microbiology18
- Multivariate statistics18
- Personal genomics18
- Probabilistic graphical model18
- Probability18
- Statistics18
- Statistics and probability18
- Synthetic genomics18
- Viral genomics18
- Whole genomes18
- Taxonomy13
- DNA variation12
- Genetic variation12
- Genomic variation12
- Mutation12
- Polymorphism12
- Somatic mutations12
- Epigenomics11
- Computational chemistry8
- Diffraction experiment7
- Imaging7
- Microscopy7
- Microscopy imaging7
- Optical super resolution microscopy7
- Photonic force microscopy7
- Photonic microscopy7
- De novo genome sequencing6
- Epidemiology6
- Genome sequencing6
- Public health6
- Public health and epidemiology6
- WGS6
- Whole genome resequencing6
- Whole genome sequencing6
- Communicable disease5
- DNA metabarcoding5
- Environmental metabarcoding5
- Exometabolomics5
- Infectious disease5
- LC-MS-based metabolomics5
- MS-based metabolomics5
- MS-based targeted metabolomics5
- MS-based untargeted metabolomics5
- Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics5
- Metabarcoding5
- Metabolites5
- Metabolome5
- Metabolomics5
- Metabonomics5
- NMR-based metabolomics5
- RNA metabarcoding5
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- Galaxy21
- FastQC7
- Bandage6
- fastp6
- Flye5
- NanoPlot5
- Merqury4
- Minimap24
- MultiQC4
- SAMtools4
- BEDTools3
- Bwa-mem23
- GenomeScope 2.03
- gfastats3
- kraken23
- BCFtools2
- BWA2
- BamTools2
- Cutadapt2
- Medaka2
- Unicycler2
- seqtk2
- snippy2
- ABRicate1
- Bowtie 21
- COMBAT-TB Workbench1
- Circos1
- Clair31
- Clustal 2 (Clustal W, Clustal X)1
- Diamond1
- FastTree1
- Filtlong1
- FreeBayes1
- Galactic Circos1
- JBrowse1
- Jvarkit1
- KrakenTools1
- NGSUtils1
- Newick Utilities1
- Polypolish1
- QualiMap1
- Racon1
- SPAdes1
- Smudgeplots1
- Vcflib1
- VelvetOptimiser1
- compute_sequence_length1
- ggplot21
- metaspades1
- pilon1
- purge_dups1
- shovill1
- taxonomy_krona_chart1
- tb-profiler1
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Content provider
- Galaxy Training21
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- Assembly16
- microgalaxy9
- assembly7
- prokaryote5
- Variant Analysis3
- jbrowse13
- nanopore3
- plants3
- Microbiome2
- gmod2
- pacbio2
- Heatmap1
- Nanopore data analysis1
- Pathogens detection1
- Phylogenetic tree1
- QC1
- VGP1
- amr1
- animals1
- covid191
- cyoa1
- eukaryote1
- genome1
- illumina1
- metagenomics1
- one-health1
- polishing1
- quality control1
- tuberculosis1
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Difficulty level
- Beginner16
- Intermediate5
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Target audience
- Students21
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- Delphine Lariviere6
- Simon Gladman5
- Anna Syme4
- Anton Nekrutenko4
- Bérénice Batut4
- Alexandre Cormier3
- Anthony Bretaudeau3
- Erwan Corre3
- Laura Leroi3
- Stéphanie Robin3
- Alex Ostrovsky2
- Bazante Sanders2
- Cristóbal Gallardo2
- Helena Rasche2
- Brandon Pickett1
- Christophe Klopp1
- Engy Nasr1
- Fabian Recktenwald1
- Giulio Formenti1
- Linelle Abueg1
- Marcella Sozzoni1
- Paul Zierep1
- Peter van Heusden1
- Polina Polunina1
- Saskia Hiltemann1
- Thoba Lose1
- Tom Brown1
- Torsten Seemann1
- Wolfgang Maier1
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Saskia Hiltemann20
- Helena Rasche18
- Björn Grüning16
- Bérénice Batut12
- Cristóbal Gallardo12
- Anthony Bretaudeau10
- Deepti Varshney6
- Niall Beard6
- Nicola Soranzo6
- Anna Syme4
- Anton Nekrutenko4
- Delphine Lariviere4
- Maria Doyle4
- Simon Gladman4
- Teresa Müller4
- William Durand4
- Gildas Le Corguillé3
- Wolfgang Maier3
- Alexandre Cormier2
- Bazante Sanders2
- Linelle Abueg2
- Miaomiao Zhou2
- Mélanie Petera2
- Nate Coraor2
- Peter van Heusden2
- Alex Ostrovsky1
- Engy Nasr1
- Enis Afgan1
- Hans-Rudolf Hotz1
- Jennifer Hillman-Jackson1
- Marius van den Beek1
- Matúš Kalaš1
- Paul Zierep1
- Polina Polunina1
- Saim Momin1
- Stéphanie Robin1
- Tom Brown1
- Vijay1
- pimarin1
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Resource type
- e-learning20
- slides1
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