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Scientific topic
- Algorithms25
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- Software engineering25
- Data management4
- Informatics4
- Information management4
- Information science4
- Knowledge management4
- Metadata management4
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Content provider
- Galaxy Training81
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- Galaxy Server administration57
- Development in Galaxy24
- ansible19
- git-gat18
- deploying6
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Difficulty level
- Beginner79
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Target audience
- Galaxy Administrators
- Students427
- Researchers203
- Biologists, Genomicists, Computer Scientists169
- Post-Doctoral Fellows162
- PhD students139
- Clinicians104
- Graduate students85
- Graduate Students78
- Instructors46
- Novice44
- Biologists38
- Life Science Researchers34
- bioinformaticians32
- PhD candidate27
- Intermediate26
- post-docs20
- Academia/ Research Institution17
- Industry17
- Non-Profit Organisation17
- life scientists16
- Beginners15
- Bench biologists15
- Healthcare15
- beginner bioinformaticians14
- Bioinformaticians13
- Trainers13
- software developers, bioinformaticians12
- data stewards11
- health professionals10
- Master students10
- PhD candidates9
- biocurators9
- healthcare professionals9
- Biomedical researchers8
- PhD8
- Biomedical Researchers7
- Data Managers7
- Data Scientists7
- Health Care Professionals7
- Research Scientists7
- Scientists7
- Training Designers7
- Training instructors7
- Patient Advocates 6
- Post Docs6
- rare disease patients representatives5
- All postgraduates5
- Anyone interested in simulation of metabolic models, and in PerMedCoE tools and activities5
- General Interest5
- Life scientists5
- Undergraduate students5
- biologists5
- computational scientists5
- data managers5
- postgrad5
- Chemists4
- Clinical Scientists4
- Computational biologists4
- Laboratory technicians4
- Professors4
- Veterinarians4
- postdocs4
- postdoctoral researchers4
- programmers4
- Life Scientists3
- Life scientists with programming skills3
- Postgraduate students3
- data steward / data manager3
- geneticists3
- medical students3
- modelers3
- plant researchers3
- postdoc3
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- software engineers3
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- Anyone interested in data standardization and/or the ontology approach (i.e. public, end users).2
- General Physicians2
- Life sciences2
- PhD Students2
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- biology and bioinformatics sophomore undergraduates2
- data manager2
- experimeintal biologist researchers2
- policy officer2
- scientific researchers, public health professionals and clinicians 2
- service administrators in organizations that want to make use of ELIXIR AAI 2
- statisticians2
- web developers2
- Research Assistants and Research Associates1
- Anyone1
- Anyone interested in bioinformatics1
- Anyone wants to start using the Unix/Linux OS1
- Anyone who wants to become a good trainer or teacher1
- Bachelor students1
- Beginner informatics1
- Biochemists1
- Bioimage Analysts1
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Helena Rasche40
- Björn Grüning19
- Nate Coraor18
- Simon Gladman12
- Saskia Hiltemann11
- John Chilton7
- Martin Čech7
- Bérénice Batut6
- Nicola Soranzo6
- John Davis5
- Mira Kuntz5
- Anthony Bretaudeau4
- Marius van den Beek4
- Enis Afgan3
- Gianmauro Cuccuru3
- Lucille Delisle3
- Marie Josse3
- Nuwan Goonasekera3
- Ross Lazarus3
- Youri Hoogstrate3
- Alex Mahmoud2
- Aysam Guerler2
- Daniel Blankenberg2
- Dannon Baker2
- Laila Los2
- Matthias Bernt2
- Mirela Minkova2
- Pablo Moreno2
- Abdulrahman Azab1
- Alex Ostrovsky1
- Assunta DeSanto1
- Cameron Hyde1
- Clemens Blank1
- Cyril Monjeaud1
- Dave B.1
- Dawa Ometto1
- Erik Schill1
- Estelle Ancelet1
- Gildas Le Corguillé1
- Hans-Rudolf Hotz1
- Hervé Ménager1
- Johan Gustafsson1
- Lain Pavot1
- Loraine Guéguen1
- Paul Zierep1
- Simon Bray1
- Stéphanie Legras1
- Torfinn Nome1
- Valentin Marcon1
- Vlad Visan1
- Yvan Le Bras1
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Helena Rasche76
- Saskia Hiltemann74
- Björn Grüning52
- Nicola Soranzo47
- Martin Čech41
- Nate Coraor40
- Bérénice Batut32
- Simon Gladman29
- Marius van den Beek26
- Lucille Delisle23
- Anthony Bretaudeau19
- Niall Beard18
- Gildas Le Corguillé16
- Cristóbal Gallardo12
- Gianmauro Cuccuru10
- Mira Kuntz10
- William Durand9
- John Chilton7
- Tomas Klingström5
- Dave B.4
- Enis Afgan4
- John Davis4
- Alex Ostrovsky3
- Catherine Bromhead3
- Ross Lazarus3
- Vlad Visan3
- Anne Fouilloux2
- Dannon Baker2
- David López2
- Edwin den Haas2
- Marie Josse2
- Matthias Bernt2
- Mirela Minkova2
- Mélanie Petera2
- Nuwan Goonasekera2
- Torfinn Nome2
- Tunc Kayikcioglu2
- Wolfgang Maier2
- Yvan Le Bras2
- Assunta DeSanto1
- Beatriz Serrano-Solano1
- Cameron Hyde1
- Clare Sloggett1
- Eli Chadwick1
- Erik Schill1
- Hans-Rudolf Hotz1
- Johan Gustafsson1
- Kweyakie Afi Blebo1
- Lain Pavot1
- Maria Doyle1
- Mehmet Tekman1
- Nitesh Turaga1
- Oleg Zharkov1
- Paul Zierep1
- Peter van Heusden1
- Simon Bray1
- Wendi Bacon1
- Youri Hoogstrate1
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Resource type
- e-learning53
- slides28
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Related resource
- Quarto/RMarkdown Notebook72
- Associated Training Datasets25
- ansible19
- git-gat18
- jobs5
- deploying3
- monitoring3
- kubernetes2
- networking2
- storage2
- wireguard2
- Jupyter Notebook (with Solutions)1
- Jupyter Notebook (without Solutions)1
- authentication1
- automation1
- beacon1
- broken1
- cloud1
- data1
- features1
- ga4gh1
- interactive-tools1
- systemd1
- terraform1
- tools1
- training1
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