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Scientific topic
- Botany1
- Comparative genomics1
- Evolution1
- Evolutionary biology1
- Functional genomics1
- Genotype1
- Genotype and phenotype1
- Genotype and phenotype resources1
- Genotype-phenotype1
- Genotype-phenotype analysis1
- Genotyping1
- Phenotype1
- Phenotyping1
- Phylogenomics1
- Plant1
- Plant anatomy1
- Plant biology1
- Plant cell biology1
- Plant ecology1
- Plant genetics1
- Plant physiology1
- Plant science1
- Plants1
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Difficulty level
- Intermediate1
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Target audience
- PhD
- Researchers10
- Bioinformaticians6
- Biomedical Researchers6
- Data Managers6
- Data Scientists6
- Life Science Researchers6
- Research Scientists6
- Trainers6
- Training Designers5
- Training instructors5
- bioinformaticians4
- PhD students3
- software developers, bioinformaticians3
- Biologists2
- data stewards2
- life scientists2
- plant researchers2
- teachers2
- Research Assistants and Research Associates1
- health professionals1
- rare disease patients representatives1
- Biochemists1
- General Interest1
- Master students1
- Patient Advocates 1
- PhD Students1
- Postgraduate students1
- Primary care doctors1
- Scientists1
- Senior Managers1
- Support Staff1
- System administrators1
- beginner bioinformaticians1
- computational scientists1
- data librarians1
- database managers1
- experimeintal biologist researchers1
- geneticists1
- mass spectrometry1
- post-docs1
- postdoctoral researchers1
- software engineers1
- statisticians1
- web developers1
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Resource type
- Training materials
- Presentation1
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