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Scientific topic
- Bioinformatics6
- Data management5
- Metadata management5
- Research data management (RDM)5
- Aerobiology4
- Behavioural biology4
- Biological rhythms4
- Biological science4
- Biology4
- Chronobiology4
- Cryobiology4
- Reproductive biology4
- Biological models2
- Biological networks2
- Biological pathways2
- Botany2
- Bottom-up proteomics2
- Cellular process pathways2
- Discovery proteomics2
- Disease pathways2
- Environmental information processing pathways2
- Gene regulatory networks2
- Genetic information processing pathways2
- Interactions2
- Interactome2
- MS-based targeted proteomics2
- MS-based untargeted proteomics2
- Metabolic pathways2
- Metaproteomics2
- MicroRNA sequencing2
- Molecular interactions2
- Molecular interactions, pathways and networks2
- Networks2
- Pathways2
- Peptide identification2
- Phenomics2
- Plant2
- Plant anatomy2
- Plant biology2
- Plant cell biology2
- Plant ecology2
- Plant genetics2
- Plant physiology2
- Plant science2
- Plants2
- Protein and peptide identification2
- Protein interaction map2
- Protein interaction networks2
- Protein interactions2
- Protein interactome2
- Protein-DNA interaction2
- Protein-DNA interactions2
- Protein-RNA interaction2
- Protein-RNA interactions2
- Protein-ligand interactions2
- Protein-nucleic acid interactions2
- Protein-protein interactions2
- Proteomics2
- Quantitative proteomics2
- RNA sequencing2
- RNA-Seq2
- RNA-Seq analysis2
- Signal transduction pathways2
- Signaling pathways2
- Small RNA sequencing2
- Small RNA-Seq2
- Small-Seq2
- Targeted proteomics2
- Top-down proteomics2
- Transcriptome profiling2
- Whole transcriptome shotgun sequencing2
- miRNA-seq2
- Applied ontology1
- BioNLP1
- Chemical informatics1
- Cheminformatics1
- Chemistry1
- Chemoinformatics1
- Community analysis1
- Computational toxicology1
- DNA variation1
- Data archival1
- Data archiving1
- Data clean-up1
- Data cleaning1
- Data curation1
- Data curation and archival1
- Data integrity1
- Data mining1
- Data preservation1
- Data quality1
- Data quality management1
- Data rendering1
- Data types and objects1
- Data visualisation1
- Database curation1
- Environmental microbiology1
- Exomes1
- Exometabolomics1
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Standard database or policy
- data.eNanoMapper.net1
- eNanoMapper Ontology1
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Difficulty level
- Beginner1
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Target audience
- Biologists
- Bioinformaticians3
- Biomedical Researchers3
- Data Managers3
- Data Scientists3
- Research Scientists3
- biocurators2
- Anyone interested in data standardization and/or the ontology approach (i.e. public, end users).1
- Chemists1
- Curators1
- Developers1
- Researchers1
- Software providers1
- bioinformaticians1
- life scientists1
- software developers, bioinformaticians1
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Resource type
- Tutorial1
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