Training materials
Recorded webinar
Identifying tumor cells at the single cell level through machine learning
Recorded webinar
Biomedicine, supercomputers and simulations: in silico experiments and its applications in cancer research
Recorded webinar
Logic modelling of signalling networks – CellNOpt and CARNIVAL
Recorded webinar
Introduction to PerMedCoE: Exascale-ready cell-level simulations for European Personalised Medicine
Recorded webinar
Analysis of huge metabolic models with COBREXA.jl
Recorded webinar
Introduction to qualitative modelling with MaBoSS
BioModels: Quick tour
Tutorial, Documentation
runBioSimulations tutorial and help
• beginnerSystems biology Computational biology Simulation experiment Modelling and simulation biosimulators COMBINE OMEX SED-ML Modeling dynamic simulations … -
Tutorial, Documentation
BioSimulators tutorial and help
•• intermediateSystems biology Computational biology Simulation experiment Modelling and simulation Modeling biomodel dynamic simulations COMBINE OMEX SED-ML … -
BioSimulations tutorial and help
•• intermediateComputational biology Systems biology Simulation experiment Visualisation Modelling and simulation SystemsBiology ComputationalBiology Computational modelling Modeling Biomodelling …
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