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Scientific topic
- Rare diseases
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Difficulty level
- Advanced1
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Target audience
- Neurological
- health professionals10
- healthcare professionals8
- Health Care Professionals7
- Patient Advocates 6
- rare disease patients representatives5
- Biomedical researchers3
- Clinical Scientists3
- Scientists3
- medical students3
- General Physicians2
- Researchers2
- Clinicians1
- Fellows and Residents1
- Healthcare1
- Life Science Researchers1
- Paediatricians1
- PhD Students1
- PhD students1
- Primary care doctors1
- clinicians and informaticians interested in cancer genetics1
- geneticists1
- physisians1
- postdocs1
- postdoctoral researchers1
- postgrad1
- science students1
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Resource type
- Webinar1
- e-learning1
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