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Homology Modelling with SWISS-MODEL
Homology Modelling with SWISS-MODEL
This is the workflow of homology modelling with the SWISS-MODEL expert system
SWISS-MODEL is a web-based integrated service dedicated to protein structure homology modelling. It guides the user in building protein homology models at different levels of complexity.
Building a homology model comprises four main steps: (i) identification of structural template(s), (ii) alignment of target sequence and template structure(s) - with an extra module on template comparison, (iii) model building and (iv) model quality evaluation. These steps require specialized software and integrate up-to-date protein sequence and structure databases. Each of the above steps can be repeated interactively, until a satisfying modelling result is achieved.
For further information on related topics, please refer to a more general workflow for structure prediction.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gky427
Keywords: protein structure, Protein structure visualisation, Protein structure analysis, Protein structure databases, Computational modelling, Protein-Protein Complex modeling
Authors: Juergen Haas, Florian Heer
Contributors: SWISS-MODEL team
Scientific topics: Structure prediction, Protein structure analysis, Protein binding sites, Protein folds and structural domains, Structural biology, Structure analysis, Protein interactions
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