PhenoMeNal: accessing metabolomics workflows in Galaxy
• beginnerMetabolomics Chemical biology Galaxy -
BioSamples: Quick tour
GOA and QuickGO: Quick tour
Recorded webinar
A guide to sequence analysis resources in Job Dispatcher
Biostatistics: A practical introduction
Cellular Microscopy Phenotype Ontology: Quick tour
European Genome-phenome Archive: Quick tour
Course materials
Biomolecular simulations
Course materials
Bioinformatics for T-Cell immunology
Recorded webinar
UniProtKB: Increasing our understanding of neurodegenerative disorders through data curation
UniProt: Exploring protein sequence and functional information
Course materials
Exploring human genetic variation
Recorded webinar
Open with purpose: How and why to make your data open
Course materials
Proteomics bioinformatics 2024
Methods in bioinformatics: Biological data analysis and interpretation
Data-driven plant sciences: A curated collection of EMBL-EBI on-demand training
Exploring environmental DNA: Metabarcoding workflow and open data resources for eDNA research
Biomacromolecular structures: An introduction to EMBL-EBI resources
Course materials
Introduction to metabolomics analysis
Course materials
Single-cell RNA-seq analysis using R
Course materials
Summer school in bioinformatics
Course materials
Bioinformatics approaches to viruses
Recorded webinar
Analysing linkage disequilibrium with Ensembl
Recorded webinar
How to share text mining results in biology
Recorded webinar
Mol*: Improved molecular visualisation at PDBe
Recorded webinar
Discovering scientific evidence using Europe PMC SciLite annotation
Recorded webinar
PRIDE database: Proteomics data submission, access and visualisation
Recorded webinar
Finding Pfam's protein families data in the InterPro website
Course materials
Genome bioinformatics: resequencing and variant calling
Recorded webinar
Methods in building and analysing biological networks
Activity log