Content Providers
Galaxy Training
GitHub repository and its website companion containing a collection of training materials for teaching next generation sequencing data analysis uing Galaxy.
677 training materials27 events (17 past events)Galaxy Training GitHub repository and its website companion containing a collection of training materials for teaching next generation sequencing data analysis uing Galaxy. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/078/original/GTNLogo1000.png?1501677361 -
Galaxy Project
There are many approaches to learning how to use Galaxy. The most popular is probably to just dive in and use it. Galaxy is simple enough to use that you can do many analyses just by exploring the interface. However, you may miss much of the power this way.
0 events (536 past events)Galaxy Project There are many approaches to learning how to use Galaxy. The most popular is probably to just dive in and use it. Galaxy is simple enough to use that you can do many analyses just by exploring the interface. However, you may miss much of the power this way. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/094/original/galaxyproject.png?1530281075 -
Open development software project, based on the R programming language,
providing tools for the analysis of high-throughput genomic data. The project aims to enable
interdisciplinary research, collaboration and rapid development of scientific software.230 training materials0 events (1 past event)Bioconductor Open development software project, based on the R programming language, providing tools for the analysis of high-throughput genomic data. The project aims to enable interdisciplinary research, collaboration and rapid development of scientific software. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/106/original/logo_bioconductor.gif?1541131228 -
Bioinformatics and Biomathematics Training Hub
The Bioinformatics and Biomathematics Training Hub (BBTH) is a BBSRC-funded collaborative project to coordinate the development and sharing of training materials and expertise across the UK’s National Institutes of Bioscience (NIB — for the increasingly important areas of...
62 training materialsBioinformatics and Biomathematics Training Hub The Bioinformatics and Biomathematics Training Hub (BBTH) is a BBSRC-funded collaborative project to coordinate the development and sharing of training materials and expertise across the UK’s National Institutes of Bioscience (NIB — for the increasingly important areas of bioinformatics and biomathematics. Guided by our NIB partners, researcher surveys, and interactions with interested bodies such as Elixir-UK, we will work to ensure that best use is made of existing assets and capabilities, that best practice is shared across the NIB, and that redundant effort is minimised going forwards. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/061/original/BBTH_logo.png?1480508618 -
NGS Registry
GitLab repository and its Wiki companion containing a collection of training materials for teaching next generation sequencing data analysis.
60 training materialsNGS Registry GitLab repository and its Wiki companion containing a collection of training materials for teaching next generation sequencing data analysis. -
NanoCommons will deliver a sustainable and openly accessible nanoinformatics framework (knowledgebase and integrated computational tools, supported by expert advice, data interpretation and training), for assessment of the risks of NMs, their products and their formulations. NanoCommons combines...
7 training materials0 events (21 past events)NanoCommons NanoCommons will deliver a sustainable and openly accessible nanoinformatics framework (knowledgebase and integrated computational tools, supported by expert advice, data interpretation and training), for assessment of the risks of NMs, their products and their formulations. NanoCommons combines Joint Research Activities to implement the nanoinformatics Knowledge Commons, Networking Activities to facilitate engagement with the research community, industry and regulators, and provision of funded Access to the nanoinformatics tools via funded calls for Transnational Access. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/099/original/NanoCommons-Logo-Sphere-Trans-White-circle-512px.png?1650899421 -
CINECA’s aim is to deliver a federated infrastructure for data discovery and sharing of human genetic and phenotypic data for research that is interoperable across continents. CINECA [Common Infrastructure for National Cohorts in Europe, Canada and Africa] is funded by the European Union Horizon...
14 training materials0 events (2 past events)CINECA PROJECT CINECA’s aim is to deliver a federated infrastructure for data discovery and sharing of human genetic and phenotypic data for research that is interoperable across continents. CINECA [Common Infrastructure for National Cohorts in Europe, Canada and Africa] is funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 programme and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/140/original/CINECA_logo.png?1589875546 -
BioExcel is a Centre of Excellence for Computational Biomolecular Research set up to support academia and industry in the use of high-end computing in biomolecular research.
0 events (11 past events)BioExcel BioExcel is a Centre of Excellence for Computational Biomolecular Research set up to support academia and industry in the use of high-end computing in biomolecular research. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/053/original/BioExcel_logo_payoff.png?1470306206 -
eNanoMapper developed a computational infrastructure for toxicological data management of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) based on open standards, ontologies and an interoperable design to enable a more effective, integrated approach to European research in nanotechnology. eNanoMapper supports...
10 training materialseNanoMapper eNanoMapper developed a computational infrastructure for toxicological data management of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) based on open standards, ontologies and an interoperable design to enable a more effective, integrated approach to European research in nanotechnology. eNanoMapper supports the collaborative safety assessment for ENMs by creating a modular, extensible infrastructure for transparent data sharing, data analysis, and the creation of computational toxicology models for ENMs. eNanoMapper was funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 604134. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/092/original/logo.png?1528313779 -
The main objective of OpenRiskNet is to develop an open e-Infrastructure providing resources and services to a variety of communities requiring risk assessment, including chemicals, cosmetic ingredients, therapeutic agents and nanomaterials.
OpenRiskNet is
* a virtual research environment for...0 events (10 past events)OpenRiskNet The main objective of OpenRiskNet is to develop an open e-Infrastructure providing resources and services to a variety of communities requiring risk assessment, including chemicals, cosmetic ingredients, therapeutic agents and nanomaterials. OpenRiskNet is * a virtual research environment for predictive toxicology and chemical and nanomaterial risk assessment, * harmonising access to data and facilitating interoperability of software, * easily deployable to single computers, public and in-house cloud solutions, * addressing the needs of industry and academic researchers, risk assessors, regulators and informed public. OpenRiskNet (Grant Agreement 731075) is a 3-years project funded by the European Commission within the Horizon2020 Programme /system/content_providers/images/000/000/097/original/ORN-Web_Logo3.png?1533933310
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