2023 Galaxy Admin Training (Ghent)
Date: 17 - 21 April 2023
The ins and outs of setting up your own production quality Galaxy server
Keywords: admin
Venue: Monasterium PoortAckere, Oude Houtlei 56
City: Ghent
Country: Belgium
Postcode: 9000
Learning objectives:
- Add technical support for a tutorial
- Be able to download and use data managers to add a reference genome and its pre-calculated indices into the Galaxy reference data system
- Be able to get Galaxy to send jobs to a remote Pulsar server
- Be able to use an Ansible playbook to install different flavors of Galaxy for different purposes
- Be able to use the dynamic job runner to make arbitrary destination mappings
- Be aware of the security implications of Interactive Tools
- Be familiar with the basics of installing, configuring, and using Slurm
- Be familiar with wildcard SSL certificates and how to get them from Let's Encrypt
- Configure Galaxy and Pulsar to send errors to Sentry
- Configure Galaxy to use it to process uploads
- Configure and start Celery workers
- Configure your Galaxy to serve Interactive Tools using an Ansible Playbook
- Configure your Galaxy to use Apptainer and BioContainers for running jobs
- Configure your Galaxy to use these reference genomes and indices
- Create a tutorial from scratch
- Create hands-on
- Create several charts
- Deal with the dependencies
- Deploy a Beacon
- Extract a list of tools from a workflow
- Have a basic understanding of the Interactive Tools (GxIT/GIE) Proxy, its purpose, and configuration
- Have a strong understanding of Galaxy job destinations
- Have an understanding of Sentry
- Have an understanding of how Galaxy's Ansible roles are structured and interact with one another
- Have an understanding of the way in which Galaxy stores and uses reference data
- Have an understanding of what CVMFS is and how it works
- Have an understanding of what Celery is and how it works
- Have an understanding of what Pulsar is and how it works
- How to use the job resource parameter selection feature
- How to write a dynamic python function destination
- How to write a dynamic tool destination (DTD)
- Import data from disk
- Install Flower to the Galaxy venv and configure it
- Install Redis
- Install Sentry
- Install a role from Ansible Galaxy (repository unrelated to the Galaxy Project)
- Install and configure a Pulsar server on a remote linux machine
- Install and configure a RabbitMQ message queueing server
- Install and configure the CVMFS client on a linux machine and mount the Galaxy reference data repository
- Install these tools on a given Galaxy
- Interact with Galaxy via BioBlend.
- Join a training
- Know how to map tools to job destinations
- Learn Ansible basics
- Learn about Ephemeris
- Learn about different maintenance steps
- Learn about different options about Galaxy deployment.
- Learn about the Rule Based Uploader
- Learn gxadmin basics
- Learn the Galaxy user/group management and assign Quotas.
- Learn what a tool is and its structure
- Learn what to back up and how to recover
- Link a tutorial to a topic
- Make a tool ready for publishing in a ToolShed
- Make an educated decision about your preferred deployment model.
- Manage permissions
- Monitor a Celery task using the Flower dashboard
- Monitor performance with Sentry
- Request and manage trainings
- See some queries and learn how they help debug production issues
- Setup Grafana
- Setup InfluxDB
- Setup TIaaS
- Setup TUSd
- Setup Telegraf
- Setup a data library
- Setup and start the Galaxy reports app.
- Setup cleanups
- Setup postgres backups
- Start, run, and use an Interactive Tool
- The various ways in which tools can be mapped to destinations, both statically and dynamically
- Understand all components of the Galaxy job running stack
- Understand and master dataset collections
- Understand how the job conf controls Galaxy's jobs subsystem
- Understand the Role Based Access Control (RBAC) of Galaxy.
- Understand the job resource selector config and dynamic rule creation
- Understand the purpose and function of Galaxy job metrics
- Understand what Galaxy Interactive Tools are and how they work
- Use an Ansible playbook for all of the above
- Use an Ansible playbook for all of the above.
- Use the Planemo utilities to develop a tool
- Write a simple role
- Write functional tests
Organizer: Björn Grüning (https://training.galaxyproject.org/training-material/hall-of-fame/bgruening/)
Event types:
- Workshops and courses
Sponsors: ELIXIR Europe
Scientific topics: Database management, Informatics, Data management
Activity log