Date: 8 June 2017 @ 08:30 - 16:30

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The workshop will cover the basics of de novo genome assembly using a small genome example. This includes project planning steps, selecting fragment sizes, initial assembly of reads into fully covered contigs, and then assembling those contigs into larger scaffolds that may include gaps. The end result will be a set of contigs and scaffolds with sufficient average length to perform further analysis on, including genome annotation (link to that nomination). This workshop will use tools and methods targeted at small genomes. The basics of assembly and scaffolding presented here will be useful for building larger genomes, but the specific tools and much of the project planning will be different.

This workshop will also introduce genome annotation in the context of small genomes. We’ll begin with genome annotation concepts, and then introduce resources and tools for automatically annotating small genomes. The workshop will finish with a review of options for further automatic and manual tuning of the annotation, and for maintaining it as new assemblies or information becomes available.

This session will include an introduction to the Galaxy platform.

This event is co-organized with EMBL-ABR and the Genomics Virtual Lab. Course materials can be found here.

Please note that if you are not eligible for a University of Cambridge Raven account you will need to book by linking here.''

Keywords: HDRUK

Venue: Craik-Marshall Building

City: Cambridge

Country: United Kingdom

Postcode: CB2 3AR

Organizer: University of Cambridge

Host institutions: University of Cambridge Bioinformatics Training

Target audience: Graduate students, Postdocs and Staff members from the University of Cambridge, Institutions and other external Institutions or individuals

Event types:

  • Workshops and courses

Activity log