Date: 10 - 13 April 2017

Timezone: Amsterdam

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BioExcel Center of Excellence is bringing together for the first time the main developers of four of the major and most popular codes for molecular modelling and simulations – GROMACS, AMBER, NAMD and VMD. This is a great opportunity for novice and experienced users to learn from the very authors of the software.

The 2017 Spring School is organized jointly with PRACE, the main HPC resource provider in Europe.

Contact: Vera Matser -

Venue: KTH Main Campus

City: Stockholm

Region: Stockholm

Country: Sweden

Postcode: SE-100 44

Organizer: BioExcel


  • First come first served

Capacity: 60

Event types:

  • Workshops and courses

Sponsors: PRACE

Scientific topics: Simulation experiment, Data visualisation, Molecular modelling

Activity log