Date: No date given

This learning path aims to teach you the basics of Machine Learning using R.
Initially you will learn how to code in R within the Galaxy platform, gaining some
familiarity into how to wrangle and analyze data. Then, you will be guided through
the various types of Machine Learning techniques, developing some simple models using R.

Keywords: beginner, data-science, statistics

Learning objectives:

  • Apply common dplyr functions to manipulate data in R.
  • Apply the ML techniques to analyse their own datasets
  • Be able to load and explore the shape and contents of a tabular dataset using base R functions.
  • Be able to work with objects (i.e. applying mathematical and logical operators, subsetting, retrieving values, etc).
  • Compose an R script file containing comments, commands, objects, and functions.
  • Employ the ‘pipe’ operator to link together a sequence of functions.
  • Interpret and visualize the results obtained from ML analyses on omics datasets
  • Know advantages of analyzing data using R within Galaxy.
  • Understand differences between ML algorithms categories and to which kind of problem they can be applied
  • Understand different applications of ML in different -omics studies
  • Understand factors and how they can be used to store and work with categorical data.
  • Understand the ML taxonomy and the commonly used machine learning algorithms for analysing -omics data
  • Use some basic, widely used R packages for ML

Event types:

  • Workshops and courses

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