Learning Pathway Gallantries Grant - Intellectual Output 3 - Data stewardship, federation, standardisation, and collaboration
Date: No date given
This Learning Pathway collects the results of Intellectual Output 3 in the Gallantries Project
Keywords: beginner, genome-annotation
Learning objectives:
- Annotate genome with Funannotate
- Annotate genome with Prokka
- Annotate lncRNAs with FEELnc
- Classify lncRNAs according to their location
- Compare repositories to find which are suitable for your data
- Connect different parts of the Research Object using identifiers
- Construct an RO-Crate by hand using JSON
- Create a custom, annotated RO-Crate
- Describe each part of the Research Object
- Evaluate annotation quality with BUSCO
- Export refined genome annotations
- Find out what the requirements are for submitting
- Generate a workflow test using Planemo
- Learn about metadata and findability
- Learn basic JSON-LD to create FAIR metadata
- Learn best practices in data management
- Learn how to introduce computational reproducibility in your research
- Learn how to load JBrowse data into Apollo
- Learn how to manually refine genome annotations within Apollo
- Learn how to support system and content curation
- Learn the FAIR principles
- Load a genome into Galaxy
- Load data (genome assembly, annotation and mapped RNASeq) into Galaxy
- Load genome into Galaxy
- Locate bioimage data repositories
- Perform a transcriptome assembly with StringTie
- Perform functional annotation using EggNOG-mapper and InterProScan
- Recognise the relationship between FAIR and Open data
- Understand how testing can be automated with GitHub Actions
- Understanding, viewing and creating Galaxy Workflow Run Crates
- Update genome annotation with lncRNAs
- Use ORCIDs and other linked data to annotate datasets contained within the crate
- Use Red and RepeatMasker to soft-mask a newly assembled genome
- Validate your genes and create an official gene set from them.
- View annotations in JBrowse
Event types:
- Workshops and courses
Sponsors: ELIXIR Europe
Scientific topics: Genomics, Microbiology, Gene and protein families, Sequence analysis
Activity log