Next generation sequencing bioinformatics
Date: 23 - 26 September 2019
This course will provide an introduction to the technology, analysis workflows, tools and resources for next generation sequencing data analysis. The content will provide insights into how biological knowledge can be derived from genomics experiments and explain different approaches to analysing such data. The main focus of the course will look at the assembly, re-sequencing, and variant calling undertaken during the analysis of higher-eukaryotes, with a particular emphasis on human genetic research.
Practical sessions will allow participants to process training datasets and apply appropriate statistical methods in their analyses. There will be no opportunity to work with your own data during the course.
Keywords: DNA & RNA (dna-rna)
Venue: European Bioinformatics Institute Hinxton
Region: Cambridge
Country: United Kingdom
Postcode: CB10 1SD
Target audience: This course is aimed at PhD students and post-doctoral researchers who are using high-throughput sequencing technologies and bioinformatics methods in their research. The content is most applicable for those working with eukaryotic genomes, human genetics and in rare disease research. Participants will require a basic knowledge of the Unix command line, the Ubuntu 16 operating system and the R statistical packages. We recommend these free tutorials: Basic introduction to the Unix environment: Introduction and exercises for Linux: Basic R concept tutorials: Please note: participants without basic knowledge of these resources will have difficulty in completing the practical sessions.
Capacity: 30
Activity log