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Scientific topic
- Bioinformatics1
- Biological sequences1
- Chromosome walking1
- Clone verification1
- DNA-Seq1
- DNase-Seq1
- High throughput sequencing1
- High-throughput sequencing1
- NGS1
- NGS data analysis1
- Next gen sequencing1
- Next generation sequencing1
- Panels1
- Primer walking1
- Sanger sequencing1
- Sequence analysis1
- Sequence databases1
- Sequencing1
- Targeted next-generation sequencing panels1
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Event type
- Workshops and courses1
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- Berlin
- Lausanne70
- Basel38
- Streamed from Lausanne30
- Streamed from Basel28
- Bern20
- Streamed15
- Zurich10
- Streamed from Bern9
- Streamed from Geneva9
- Ljubljana7
- Streamed from Basel and Lausanne6
- Norwich5
- Streamed from Basel and Zurich4
- Streamed from Lausanne & Geneva4
- Streamed from Lausanne and Basel4
- Cambridge3
- Fribourg3
- Prague3
- Streamed from Grenoble and Geneva3
- Brno2
- Faro2
- Geneva2
- Gent2
- Leuven2
- Oeiras2
- Oslo2
- Streamed from Geneva, Grenoble, Lyon, Tokyo and Wa2
- Barcelona1
- Bienne/Biel1
- Bled1
- Blended - Streamed and videos1
- Braga1
- Bystřice nad Pernštejnem1
- Davos1
- Esch-sur-Alzette1
- Lausanne or Streamed1
- Lausanne or streamed1
- Leipzig1
- Leysin, Switzerland1
- Lisboa1
- Liverpool1
- London1
- Lyon1
- Melbourne1
- Milan1
- Montferrier-sur-Lez (Montpellier area)1
- Prague 61
- Procida1
- Schwarzenberg1
- Sempach1
- Streamed from Greece and Mauritius1
- Streamed from Lausanne and Barcelona1
- Streamed from Muttenz1
- Streamed from Sweden, Switzerland, Germany and UK1
- Streamed from the University of Duisburg-Essen1
- Streaming from Lausanne1
- Tromsø1
- Villars-sur-Ollon1
- Zurich or streamed1
- streamed from multiple locations1
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- Germany1
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Target audience
- PhD students
- R&D engineers1
- Biologists1
- Biologists, Genomicists, Computer Scientists1
- Molecular Biologists1
- Pathologists1
- Researchers1
- auditors1
- bioinformaticians1
- clinical/product specialists1
- engineers1
- laboratory professionals1
- life scientists1
- post-docs1
- product-development professionals1
- quality/production managers1
- regulatory/quality professionals1
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- First come first served1
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