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Scientific topic
- Bioinformatics2
- Codon usage2
- DNA chips2
- DNA microarrays2
- Expression2
- Gene expression2
- Gene expression profiling2
- Gene transcription2
- Gene translation2
- Transcription2
- Active learning1
- Alternative splicing1
- Biomathematics1
- Chromosome walking1
- Clone verification1
- Cloud computing1
- Comparative transcriptomics1
- Computational biology1
- Computer science1
- DNA-Seq1
- DNase-Seq1
- Ensembl learning1
- HPC1
- High performance computing1
- High throughput sequencing1
- High-performance computing1
- High-throughput sequencing1
- Kernel methods1
- Knowledge representation1
- Machine learning1
- Mathematical biology1
- MicroRNA sequencing1
- NGS1
- NGS data analysis1
- Neural networks1
- Next gen sequencing1
- Next generation sequencing1
- Panels1
- Primer walking1
- RNA sequencing1
- RNA splicing1
- RNA-Seq1
- RNA-Seq analysis1
- Recommender system1
- Reinforcement learning1
- Sanger sequencing1
- Sequencing1
- Small RNA sequencing1
- Small RNA-Seq1
- Small-Seq1
- Splice sites1
- Supervised learning1
- Targeted next-generation sequencing panels1
- Theoretical biology1
- Transcriptome1
- Transcriptome profiling1
- Transcriptomics1
- Unsupervised learning1
- Whole transcriptome shotgun sequencing1
- miRNA-seq1
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Event type
- Workshops and courses3
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- Campus di Fisciano, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Via Giovanni Paolo II, n. 1321
- Dipartimento di Scienze Biochimiche - Alessandro Rossi Fanelli, 332, Viale Regina Elena1
- Fondazione Edmund Mach, Palazzo della Ricerca e della Conoscenza, Via E. Mach 1, San Michele all'Adige1
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- Italy3
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Target audience
- Bioinformaticians1
- Bioinformatics beginners 1
- Biologists1
- Computational biologists1
- PhD students and young researchers in the life science and computational biology field who are planning to use RNA-seq data and are looking for the best practices to analyze these types of data1
- biological data analysts1
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