R Data Analysis for Life Science

This learning path is designed to equip life science professionals and students with the skills to use R for data analysis. R is a powerful statistical programming language that is widely used in bioinformatics, genomics, and other fields within life sciences. This path covers the essentials of R programming, data manipulation and statistical analysis, all tailored to the specific needs of life science applications.

Keywords: R, Statistics, Data Analysis

Authors: Alexia Cardona, Loredana Le Pera

Contributors: Jessica Lindvall

Status: Under development


No prior programming experience is required, but familiarity with basic statistics is beneficial

Learning objectives:

  • data manipulation
  • statistical analysis


Data Manipulation

•• intermediate 0 materials

The material linked to this topic is still under development. If you are interested in contributing to fill this gap by developing the material or have suggestions on where to find it, please contact the authors of the Learning Path.

Activity log