
16S Microbial analysis with Nanopore data


Healthy soils are an essential element in maintaining the planet’s ecological balance. That is why their protection must be considered a priority in order to guarantee the well-being of humanity. The alteration of microbial populations often precedes changes in the physical and chemical properties of soils, so monitoring their condition can serve to predict their future evolution, allowing to develop strategies to mitigate ecosystem damage.

About This Material

This is a Hands-on Tutorial from the GTN which is usable either for individual self-study, or as a teaching material in a classroom.

Questions this will address

  • How can we analyse the health status of the soil?
  • How do plants modify the composition of microbial communities?

Learning Objectives

  • Use Nanopore data for studying soil metagenomics
  • Analyze and preprocess Nanopore reads
  • Use Kraken2 to assign a taxonomic labels

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Keywords: 16S, Microbiome, metabarcoding, microgalaxy, nanopore, plants

Target audience: Students

Resource type: e-learning

Version: 5

Status: Active


Introduction to Galaxy Analyses

Learning objectives:

  • Use Nanopore data for studying soil metagenomics
  • Analyze and preprocess Nanopore reads
  • Use Kraken2 to assign a taxonomic labels

Date modified: 2024-07-31

Date published: 2020-11-24

Authors: Cristóbal Gallardo

Contributors: Beatriz Serrano-Solano, Björn Grüning, Bérénice Batut, Cristóbal Gallardo, Deepti Varshney, Nate Coraor, Saskia Hiltemann, Willem de Koning

Scientific topics: Metagenomics, Microbial ecology, Taxonomy, Sequence analysis, Metabarcoding

Activity log