
CLI Educational Game - Bashcrawl


This is not a tutorial like most GTN content but a fun exercise for you to play around and learn a bit about the command line, and hopefully re-inforce the skills you covered in Basic and Advanced CLI skills.

About This Material

This is a Hands-on Tutorial from the GTN which is usable either for individual self-study, or as a teaching material in a classroom.

Questions this will address

  • How can I move around on my computer?
  • How can I see what files and directories I have?
  • How can I specify the location of a file or directory on my computer?
  • How can I create, copy, and delete files and directories?
  • How can I edit files?

Learning Objectives

  • Explore the bash dungeon and fight monsters
  • Reinforce the learning of CLI basics such as how to change directories, move around, find things, and symlinkings

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Keywords: Foundations of Data Science, bash, game, jupyter-notebook

Target audience: Students

Resource type: e-learning

Version: 7

Status: Active


  • Advanced CLI in Galaxy
  • CLI basics

Learning objectives:

  • Explore the bash dungeon and fight monsters
  • Reinforce the learning of CLI basics such as how to change directories, move around, find things, and symlinkings

Date modified: 2024-10-15

Date published: 2021-09-30

Authors: Helena Rasche

Contributors: Anthony Bretaudeau, Helena Rasche, Saskia Hiltemann

Scientific topics: Software engineering

Activity log